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James V. Lacy

“Governor’s budget deals blow to poor?” Baloney! Legislature’s high taxes deal blow to everybody!

I get so sick of the ad hominem "news stories" every budget cycle about how the poor and disabled are going to be hurt by every single budget the Governor proposes.  These stories always lay the pretext and give fuel for the Democrats in the Legislature to tear apart necessary reforms.  I frankly think they are coordinated with the Democrat leaders in the Legislature.  Today the Los Angeles Times once again includes an above the fold headline "Governor’s budget deals blow to poor" and a story about how children, state workers, and welfare will be affected.   One of these days I am going to hire ace researcher Jim Sills to track every headline the L.A. Times has ever written about Arnold’s budgets, or Pete Wilson’s budgets and predecessor’s budgets, and publish them here.   They will most certainly be rehashes of the same old story by lazy journalists just doing things the easy and expected way.

     Wouldn’t it be refreshing to see a headline like, "Governor proposes budget to reinvigorate California economy!"  Because that is what the Governor’s budget is intended to do.   It is intended to address the so-called "dysfunction" of California state government.  The fact is, the press in California is just as big a contributor to California’s alleged dysfunction as our irresponsible tax-raising Legislature is.  I think we are well beyond the point where the press needs to start thinking differently rather than just perpetuating the same old yarns that help keep California stuck in the mud.

One Response to ““Governor’s budget deals blow to poor?” Baloney! Legislature’s high taxes deal blow to everybody!”

  1. Says:

    Keep your powder dry.

    The affiable Democrats are returning to Sacramento…back from their stuffed veal birds,crab cakes and aeoli, prime rib hash and eggs benedict, Chardonnay/Shiraz “gorge out” at tony,safe and sequestered Pebble Beach….

    Those compassionate, caring and feel your pain Democrats who are champions for the poor,the down trodden and forgotten, the boycotting unjustly profiled, the regularily exploited victims by rich Republican white guys and the usual biggies…multinational corporations.