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Shawn Steel

Prop 23 Abandoned by Business

Part of the reason why a reasonable Proposition like 23, which would merely abate the radical "Global Warming Solutions Act" until California reaches ‘only’ 5.5% unemployment, is the failure of California businesses to "man up"

The Tipping Point probably came  in the last decade, when California big business turned into a craven political creature. The LA Times confirms recent polling that Prop 23, which was slightly ahead in September at 52 to 41% is slipping to 44 – 49%. 

Even liberal economists recognize that the Global Warming Solutions Act will cost billions to energy businesses and transportation directly. The GWSA will have a statistically zero impact to planet earth. But "green" business will thrive. Yet the percentage of so-called green jobs is maybe 3%. While 97% of the work force suffers, 3% benefit. Liberals successfully created an emerging government favored elite. 

The two oil companies who help pony up some $9 million is facing 16 separate committees ranging from the notorious Sierra Club to billionaires in Silicon Valley. They argue that Prop 23 proponents want to keep us "addicted to oil" . When they find decent economic equivalent — we will get a memo. Until then the scare mongering of the GWSA crowd will cost the livelihood of tens of thousands of middle class workers. Everyone else will continue to pay higher and steeper energy costs. 

Where is the California Chamber of Commerce? The Business Roundtable? The fact is they have given up. Those formerly robust organizations are politically marginal. There are some exceptions—but on the big issues of the day — Indian casinos and public employee unions have much more power. Even the prison guards have much more sway than the Chamber.

Failure of Prop 23 will continue to drive out established and new businesses. California will slouch to any economic recovery. The state Chamber continues to evolve into a social club. Where is John Galt ? 

2 Responses to “Prop 23 Abandoned by Business”

  1. Says:

    Don’t you love these go along “moderate” RINOS…..that frozen pot pie from your favorite grocer could be $8.99. Your rocky road ice cream cone will likely be $5.50. And how bout $400.00 a month to run your A/C and your tank of gasoline for a commuter car could be $135.00. Need a plumber? Trip charge $125.00 in addition to the expensive hourly labor rates.

    In all….you will have less choices as no small business can stand the huge costs associated with a Socialist take over of California by unelected Commissars playing our their hippie era fantasies…

    And you think property values are in the tank now!!!! People living in outer areas commuting to work will see their homes drop in value at least 25%.

    If I am nuts…what could be your reality if Prop. 23 goes down in defeat?

  2. Says:

    …bad enough business abandoned Prop 23…but abandoned California as well.