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Mike Spence

California Democratic Party Convention Maintains Insider Endorsement Process: Where’s Calbuzz and the rest of the outraged media?

Six weeks ago the California Republican Convention met to among other things debate rules changes pertaining to the endorsement process since passage of Proposition 14.

The media was relentless. Headlines featured words like “tension’ and “clash”. My favorite came from the lefty blog Calbuzz that asked “Will the Stalinistas strike a blow for authoritarianism?”

All this centered around the fight between two proposals that would let either the state board decide endorsements or a caucus of state and local central committee members. Both plans contained exceptions that specifically protected incumbents.

Insiders choosing is the worst possible way to get the candidates we need and don’t get me started on incumbent protection. Ultimately, I wrote an alternative plan supported by Congressman Tom McClintock that rejected both approaches and would lead to pre-primary mail in balloting by Republicans was adopted. (The chairman is announcing something soon, so I won’t steal his thunder or hair gel on this one.)

So when the California Democratic Party met and discussed changes to their already in use pre-primary system I was waiting for every Capitol type alert about what they would do.
Surprise! With the exception of a Los Angeles Times Article about “blunting” Prop. 14. (The Times used the word side-step) in the GOP article headline. NOTHING!!!!!!

No really nothing. The CDP will continue their insider endorsement process modified to deal with some of the issues of Prop. 14 and now those indignant at similar proposal at the CRP are silent.

You choose the reason:

A. The California Democratic Party membership think all alike and don’t have debates?

B. Reporters have a double standard when it comes to how they report about the parties. Besides how the majority party picks endorsements isn’t near as important how the minority party does it.

C. When the GOP met it was cold and rainy and the Hyatt has a pretty good heating system besides there was a Palestinian Film Festival at CSUS and the Chant for Global Peace Festival was outside in a park on a beautiful sunny day. It really was.

D. All the above

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