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BOE Member George Runner

A Budget Without Jobs Won’t Work

Governor Jerry Brown and legislative leaders are hoping that a surge in new revenues will help them avoid triggering additional budget cuts.

But it’s hard to imagine their budget numbers working when California is racing to become the nation’s unemployment leader.

We need jobs to spur revenues, but burdensome taxes, fees and regulations continue to hold back California’s economic recovery. The Governor and Legislature need to wake up to the reality that their economic policies are destroying California’s competitiveness.

If the Governor and Legislature want to see growth in revenues, they need to get Californians back to work. We need to bring private sector jobs back to California instead of driving them away.

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3 Responses to “A Budget Without Jobs Won’t Work”

  1. Robert Bosich Says:

    Lets not get Boy Scoutish…

    Captain Medfly is creating lots of jobs….misery managers!

  2. Bill Leonard Says:

    Depressing tax increases of the prior administration are expiring. If Brown wants to increase revenues he should be bragging that cars and other items will soon become cheaper in California as the sales tax drops. The state cannot do much to stimulate the economy but dropping tax rates is one way that does work. Since Brown took ‘credit’ for Prop 13 in the summer of 1978 he should now again take ‘credit’ for cutting taxes on all Californians in 2011.

  3. Milan Moravec Says:

    A California Budget without wage concessions by University of California will not narrow deficit. Californians suffer from greatest deficit of modern times. UC wages must reflect California’s ability to pay, not what others are paid. Campus chancellors, tenured & non-tenured faculty, UCOP are replaceable by more talented academics
    UC faculty, chancellor, vice chancellor, UCOP wage concessions:
    No furloughs
    18 percent reduction in UCOP salaries & $50 million cut.
    18 percent prune of campus chancellors’, vice chancellors’ salaries.
    15 percent trim of tenured faculty salaries, increased teaching load
    10 percent decrease in non-tenured faculty salaries, as well as increase research, teaching load
    100% elimination of all Academic Senate, Academic Council costs, wages.

    Overly optimistic predictions of future revenues do not solve the deficit. However, rose bushes bloom after pruning.

    UC Board of Regents Sherry Lansing, President Yudof can bridge the public trust gap by offering reassurances that UC salaries reflect depressed wages in California. The sky will not fall on UC

    Californians are reasonable people. Levy no new taxes until an approved balanced budget: let the Governor/Legislature lead – make the tough-minded (not cold hearted) decisions of elected leadership. Afterwards come to public for continuing, specified taxes.

    Once again, we call upon UC Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Faculty, UCOP to stand up for California and ‘pitch in’ for Californians.