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Jon Coupal

SB 202: Democracy Killer

Senate Bill 202 is wrong on its substance alone, but is compounded by the “dark-of-night” process by which the bill is being advanced.

SB 202, of course, is the union-backed legislation that would move critical reform ballot initiatives from the June 2012 election, to the November 2012 election.

As if that weren’t bad enough, we have never seen a Legislature so hell-bent on pulling something over on the people in the dark of night. As of yesterday afternoon, the bill language wasn’t even available in print.

In good faith, millions of voters in California lawfully signed petitions to put critically-needed reforms on the ballot. But with these antics, the Democrats in the Legislature has proven they will go to any length to please their labor union bosses, even if they have to deny Californians their day the ballot box. Californians deserved better than this pathetic display of politics. Make no mistake, democracy delayed is democracy denied.