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Ray Haynes

Medieval Medicine For An Ailing Economy

I have joked that Jerry Brown is That 70’s Governor, but I was wrong. We have put a medieval doctor in charge of our sick economy.

What do I mean? Simple. Prior to the advent of modern medicine, doctors believed that the way to cure a disease, any disease, was to bleed the patient. Stick some blood sucking reptile on the patient, slit their wrists, or use some other rather gruesome blood sucking device on the patient and bleed them until they were cured. More likely than not, the patient was so sapped of nutrients and strength, that the blood sucking killed the patient, and not the disease.

California’s economy is seriously ill. As one who moved from the blood sucking side of the economy to the nutrient side, trust me, our economy is dying.

And what is our Governor/doctor’s solution? Slit our wrists, and bleed the disease out of us.

Except it is the blood suckers that are killing us. Whether it is the government unions, or the ecoterrorists, or the massive bureaucracies, or any number of other people who make money off of the government, these blood sucking ticks (as the old joke says about the meaning of the word “politics” – poli meaning “many” tics being blood suckers therefore politics means many blood suckers) are draining the energy and nutrients from our economy. And Governor Brown’s suggestion of new taxes is the same as creating another set of blood sucking devices to that ailing economy.

We look back today on medieval medicine as a horror. A prescription for death. Some day we will do the same for Governor Brown’s solution to our current economic malaise. It is not more government, that is, more ticks on the economy, as the prescription of more taxes implies, that will solve our current problem, it is lower taxes, removing the ticks, cutting government, eliminating regulation, putting more people in the private sector, as opposed to in the government employ or on the government dole, that will solve our economic problems. More freedom, less government, less taxes, more power in private associations and private organizations, and less in the hands of government that will revive the ailing patient.

But we have bleeders in charge. I really don’t want us to die as an economy, but perhaps it will be necessary for people to wake up, and quit putting these quacks in charge of our government structures. We chose this guy, this Governor, to run things. And when I say we, I mean we. Republicans helped this guy win the election by putting up candidates who were too smart by half, candidates who refused to stand up for freedom and smaller government. People rightly rejected this milquetoast approach to opposing the California Democratic Party’s policies of creeping socialism. If Republicans don’t learn to stand up and shout for freedom, for smaller government, for less taxes, no matter how “irresponsible” they look, then they deserve to continue to lose elections.

In the meantime, until Republicans actually smarten up, we will be stuck with medieval bleeders. Economic doctors who think that the old socialist solutions really work. These economic quacks think that the only reason the methods have not worked is that they were used by incompetent practitioners. The only way to allow them, and everyone else, to learn the truth is to oppose them, but let their policies cause collapse. As in medieval times when patients died from foolish methods of medicine, so our economy will have to die like the Soviet Union’s did for people to figure out that it is the method, not the practitioner, that is the problem. That will cause of lot of suffering for us, but it may save our children or grandchildren from these dangerous ideas.

One Response to “Medieval Medicine For An Ailing Economy”

  1. Robert Bosich Says:

    Soon with Mr. Leno’s California socialized medicine we will have state of the art birth control and sick seniors wearing garlic necklaces for disease cures!!!