Saturday, April 4, 2009
Governor Appoints 23 New Judges: 12 Rep, 9 Dem, 2 DTS
SFChron: Dems Target California Districts
- SacBee: Political merry-go-round diminishes Democrats' clout in Legislature
- CCTimes: State GOP hoping to recapture Assembly seat
- LAT: L.A. Controller Laura Chick named to new state post
- LADN: Governor taps Chick for stimulus watchdog
- SacBee: Californians slam brakes on gas use
- SacBee: California charities warned to end electronic bingo
- SacBee: Sacramento Superior Court judge faces judicial misconduct allegations
- SacBee: Proposed El Dorado County homeless shelter hits a snag
- SacBee: Ousting JROTC program in S.F. stirs up patriotic issues
- OakTrib: Former SF Supervisor sentenced to 5 years for extortion
- SFChron: S.F. Finds Funds To Save 405 Teaching Jobs
- SFChron: Drastic Water Cuts Expected For Bay Area
- OakTrib: Judge: Measure Y funds used improperly
- SacBee: Matriarch is sentenced to prison in family's agribusiness skimming
- StockRec: Galgiani won't run for Senate seat
- StockRec: Sen. Wolk appointed to three financial oversight committees
- ModBee: Lawmaker's office cleared
- FresBee: Pistachio growers fear big losses from scare
- FresBee: Sheriffs in Central Valley region lobby feds for more funds
- BakCal: Work on potentially painful county budget begins
The Golden Pen
SDUTAmFinBlog: CARB and car paint: Auto industry figures dispute board's account of its actions
OCReg: Obama, Pelosi redefine big spending
SacBee: Schwarzenegger hires Chick as stimulus watchdog
- CalBuzz: 5 Questions: How California's Financial Flack Makes Sense of the Mess
- SFChron: Former Supe Ed Jew Gets 64 Months
SFChron: Pelosi Outlines Her Priorities
- LAT: Union officials say L.A. is considering 400 immediate layoffs
- LAT: L.A. County judge rules against Malibu homeowners and two taxpayer groups
- LADN: Glendale voters headed to polls
- LADN: City will likely end up owning failed museum
OCReg: Disney says 1,900 jobs lost, 300 locally
- OCReg: Deputies want judge to sanction supervisors
- IVDB: Supervisors spar over release date of Assessor's Office report
- RivPE: S.B. County supervisors plan to make assessor's office report public
- SBSun: Postmus to enter rehab
- RivPE: Winds fuel 50-acre fire in Palm Springs
- DesSun: Residents flee wind-swept fire
- SDUT: Budget threatens coastal water testing
- SDUT: New creed on water: Use less, pay more
- SDUT: Planners OK hospital expansion