Wednesday, December 12, 2012
SacBee($):California state employees involved in bribery, theft, auditor reports
- SDUT: State worker demanded $5,000 in gift cards
- CCTimes: Prison phychiatrist under investigation for $800,000 pay
- LATimes($): California workers misused $613,000 in taxpayer funds, report finds
- LATimes($): L.A. official is offered deal on drunk driving
Calif. economy: Ya sure, you betcha, we're fine!
FresBee: MICHAEL DER MANOUEL JR.: 'Cliff' isn't worst to come
SacBee($):San Francisco's environmental hypocrisy exposed
- SacBee($):Dan Walters Daily: Gut-check time in Berkeley
- SDUT: DeMaio's still talking infrastructure and no taxes
- SacBee($):California's recovery raises hopes for restoring health, social service cuts
SacBee($):California exports break 3-month losing streak
F&H Daily: Republicans Must Make Their Own Effort on Education Reform Part Two
- SJMerc: In international comparisons, California eighth-graders score in the middle in science and math
- CalWatch: Some counties requiring health workers to get flu vaccine
- LATimes($): Grant to aid UC Berkeley's undocumented students
- LATimes($): Why not expand Medi-Cal in California?
- DesSun:Mary Bono Mack to press own war on drugs
SacBee($):San Bernardino asks to rebuff CalPERS suit
- SacBee($):Editorial: California's conflicted stem-cell agency must look inward
OCReg: National Popular Vote foes coalesce
- Politico: Labor's plan to fight back
- LATimes($): Orange County toll roads under review by California
- OCReg: Newport Beach OKs dock rent increases
- OCReg: New mayor, police chief for Seal Beach
OCReg: Musick jail expansion approved by supervisors
- Irvine Mayor Steven Choi Won 75% of Precincts, Including Every Region in the City Except UCI
- OCReg: Dana Point Harbor renovation plan gets supervisors' approval
- SBSun: Colonies corruption case goes to state Supreme Court for consideration
- SBSun: New district attorney unit to pursue most serious child abuse cases
- RivPE: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY: Prosecutors seek Supreme Court review
The Golden Pen
The Hill:Republicans question need for $60.4 billion in Hurricane Sandy aid
- SDUT: Political hardball or union extremism?
OCReg: Kevin McCarthy: High-speed rail is no 'Field of Dreams'
- Is it wrong to mention Clinton impeachment?
- F&H Daily: Five Tax Options for the Democrats
F&H Daily: In Business Tax Breaks Debate, The Skys The Limit
- SacBee($):Dan Morain: Rush is on to avoid Uncle Sam's tax bill
- VCS:Herdt: Can states, united, upend Citizens United?
SacBee($):Medical marijuana backers ask Sacramento supervisors to reconsider ban on outlets
- SacBee($):Arena plan clings to life in Virginia
- SFChron: S.F. supes seek to curb metal theft
- SFChron: Union City schools win Race to Top grant
- ModBee: San Francisco water sale deal with Oakdale is off
- SFChron: Housing official's past no surprise to mayor
- ModBee: Few Central Valley homeowners taking advantage of foreclosure reviews
- FresBee: Lindsay Unified schools win $10 million Race to the Top grant
- ModBee: City Council meets Modestos new top cop
- Developer scores use permit for baseball stadium
- Two new members take seats on council
- SCS:Hilary Bryant named as Santa Cruz mayor as two veterans, two newcomers sworn in
- SLO Trib: Former Planning Commissioner appointed to vacant Atascadero council seat
- SCS:Scotts Valley schools could receive $1 million in Prop. 30 funds
- VCS:Ventura County Community College District board names new chair, skips criticized trustee
- VCS:Port Hueneme police chief resigns amid alleged improprieties
- LATimes($): L.A. County urges curbs on state prisoner transfers to counties
- LADN: Porn industry plans challenge to Measure B condom requirement
- DesSun:DSUSD hires new superintendent
- RivPE: RIVERSIDE: New mayor Bailey will 'lead by example'
- RivPE: RIVERSIDE: Council extends controversial lease
- RivPE: SENATE: Bernal confirmed to fill Riverside federal judge vacancy
- NCTimes: ROSEN: Anti-tax warriors fight on in North County
- VOSD: The Problems With the End of Redevelopment: Video
- VOSD: More on Redevelopment: Had SD Not Been So Greedy
- VOSD: A Timeline of San Diegos Political Musical Chairs