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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Time better spent

The GOP seems to be spending a lot of time weeping and gnashing our teeth over Susan Kennedy. As a committed conservative, and supporter of the Governor, I understand the symbolic issues here. Her presence on his staff is a tough one to digest. But I have a suggestion, once we get over this issue – let’s deal with our REAL political problem. How do we defeat teachers, nurses, firemen, prison guards and cops, politically speaking? I don’t care who the chief of staff is, if we don’t deal with this challenge, none of our candidates can win. As a matter of fact, unless we come up with a realistic strategy soon, we shouldn’t even field candidates for Statewide office. Why put donors, volunteers and candidates through another losing political season? Sure, the Kennedy appointment depresses the GOP base. But even an energized base faces defeat every time against our well regarded adversaries. Not the Democrats. They aren’t well regarded. It’s the teachers, nurses, firemen, prison guards and cops. Any time spent apart from developing a strategy to neutralize and defeat them is a waste of time. My ideas will follow. I would love to hear yours.