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Bruce Bialosky

What in God’s Name are Never Trumpers Thinking?

In 2016, I could understand (but not accept) the position of Never Trumpers. He was a brash, non- establishment candidate. They had a viable alternative in Hillary Clinton who they knew and believed would be a sane choice. In 2020, they had Joe Biden who was someone they knew for nearly 50 years and was an acceptable establishment alternative. They had no idea he was going to turn his administration over to the Sanders-Warren wing of the party. In 2024, the picture is completely different. The Harris-Walz team has no establishment credentials other then her working hand-in-hand with Joe Biden for over three years. It is the most Leftist ticket in over 100 years. They make William Jennings Bryan look centrist. As defined in my recent columns, Harris is no mainstream person in thought or deed. She has lived a life as a Leftist and has touted policies (her true beliefs) that put her on the far edge of modern political thinking. She has expressed her desire to take authoritarian steps to enact the policies that are at her core, to the extent she has a core. Her recent supposed turn since becoming the nominee is a charade. Nothing more. Interestingly,… Read More

Ray Haynes

Kamala Harris’s America

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but lately Governor Gavin Newsom has been doing everything is his power to hold back the worst impulses of the Democrats in the Legislature and those who run the liberal cities and counties in this state. We all know how the leftist Democrats in this state have allowed the quality of life in California to erode.

Drive down any street in any big city in California and you see the tents of the homeless, who have decided to simply live by the side of the road in broken down cars and campers, or on mattresses set up in front of homes, businesses, or in any public area. Just try to go to the park in Santa Monica, it is dangerous and unpleasant because the mentally ill and drug addicted homeless have taken it over. The homeless get a free ride, the law abiding citizens struggle under the yoke of oppression of the state government.

Go to any leftist controlled city or county, and you can see criminals run rampant, stealing anything that is not nailed down or locked up. Listen to the leftists in the Legislature, and you will be told that those who steal need the stuff they steal and the businesses are rich and… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

The Joy Campaign

Recently I read how the current campaign between Trump and Harris is divided between the team who is bringing joy to the campaign trail and the one that brings rage. That is a fascinating way to characterize the two campaigns. Let’s take a closer look. We begin with the fact that we have a campaign between the incumbents and the challengers. No matter what Ms. Harris says, she is the incumbent. By definition, the incumbents are going to tell America that things are wonderful, and we need to continue on the path to greatness with just a few tweaks here and there. The challengers must say negative things because they are forced to say what you are getting isn’t good enough and they can do better. Since historically any campaign could be characterized as Joy vs. Rage, we need to dig a bit deeper. Theoretically, most if not all journalists should find the sudden change of candidates interesting. There is a significant interest regarding what Harris and Walz knew about President Biden’s inability to continue on as a candidate. It didn’t just happen the night of June 27th when he showed up for the debate. Ms. Harris tells us she worked intimately with Mr.… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

Let’s Talk Decolonization

The new cool kids are all into it. They banter the term around all the time. It is either “decolonization” or “post colonization.” They like to tell us it is regarding their favored terrorist group – Hamas — even though the last colonists there were the Brits. With everyone talking about it, I thought I would look at how decolonization is going. It worked well for us, the Americans. Pretty well for the Canadians until Pierre Trudeau unleashed his devil child upon them. The Aussies and Kiwis are doing well. Hong Kong was doing great until the barbaric Chinese took it over. Then matters start going downhill from there. Of course, the rest of the world went through various levels of being ruled by other countries. There were the Romans, the Greeks, the Mongols, the Turks, the Macedonians, the Ottomans, and a slew of others who were set on ruling the world, but they were not known as “colonists.” The Russians took over Eastern Europe for a while, but they called all those countries under their draconian oversight ‘satellites.” Colonization seems to focus on the activities of European countries from the 16th century onward.… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

Who Actually Runs the Biden-Harris Administration?

Now that the physical and mental infirmity of Joe Biden has been admitted to by those who tried for years to hide the obvious from Americans, speculation still runs rampant about who is really running the country. Ms. Harris likes to claim she was “shoulder to shoulder” with Mr. Biden except when it would be considered ugly not to be in lockstep. Like with Afghanistan. We may not know exactly who was running the country, but we do know from where the direction came. Mr. Biden made a deal with the Left after securing the 2020 nomination. He really did not need to because he was the candidate of moderation. He promptly then decided to turn to the two most left-wing senators left in the U.S. Senate after selecting the one farthest Left as his V-P. First, Biden-Harris adopted something known as MMT (Modern Monetary Theory). Biden took on Bernie Sanders’ advisor in this area, Stephanie Kelton, an economist at Stony Brook University. Ms. Kelton argues the essence of MMT, which is that because the U.S. dollar is the world reserve currency, our government can borrow limitlessly with no economic risk. Otherwise, our government does not need to worry about… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

The Coronation of St. Kammy

The King is dead (who knew he was alive); Long live the Queen. She is the dream candidate of the Left. Forget about all those “firsts” about which the Left expresses exultation. They are a cover for her politics. She is the child of two Left-wing college professors who grew up in Berkeley during its heyday as the center of Leftist life. Then she took her skills to San Francisco just when the city was plummeting into the disaster it has now become. She has never had a job in the private sector as an adult. Never. Yet, she says she will be focused on the middle-class. Senator Chris Coons stated she was campaigning to help entrepreneurs. She has no clue what it takes to start and run a business. What she does understand is how to get in the way with more regulations. The last President to not have children was James Buchanan – and we know how his presidency ended. She has no discernible religion. She married a committed Jew, but neither have a commitment to Israel. They are more concerned about the Palestinians (that is Hamas). In fact, her husband’s daughter has not only disavowed being Jewish, but she is raising money… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

A Fascinating Chance Encounter

As the Democrats prepare to hold their convention in Chicago, please read this story of our encounter with someone who knows a lot about Chicago. During a 2022 trip to Italy with our grown children, the Beautiful Wife reminded the kids “Dad talks to everyone.’’ On this past trip, for once, we had someone open a conversation with us and it turned out to be illuminating, very illuminating. We were at the very end of the recent vacation traveling through the Balkans. We traversed seven countries new to us. We found most of them had English as a compulsory subject in their schools, making conversation easy and all were a pleasure to visit. We also found that few Americans visit them, especially on vacation. It was the last night of our extended trip. We were at dinner in a restaurant recommended by a person from the capital city of Skopje, North Macedonia. The locals just consider it to be called “Macedonia” as Greece forced them to add “North” in order to join NATO. The country is also a member of the EU. The restaurant has a great view as we were up in the hills overlooking the entire city of Skopje, which sits in a valley… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

They’re Not Jewish

For centuries, the Jewish religion has had criteria for one to be considered Jewish. Some people on the Left have used the idea that someone is Jewish as a cudgel to charge right-of-center folks as anti-Semites while they themselves are anti-Semitic in their actions. It is time to deal with the truth — if you can handle the truth. The definitive standard for me is a column I have used for over thirty years. After realizing I did not have a copy, I went to National Review who sent me an electronic copy of the magazine in which the column was published. I am happy to provide to any reader. William F. Buckley, a man of true brilliance in word and his writings, in 1991 addressed the issue regarding then-Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan. He did a thorough analysis of Buchanan’s actions and came to the conclusion that anyone who is singularly focused on Israel’s activities while ignoring other country’s activities cannot be anti-Zionist; they are anti-Semitic. When I mentioned this to people on the Left, they had a knee-jerk reaction with revulsion because they cannot accept a concept offered by someone like Buckley. So much for the benefit of… Read More

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