Legacy Media Misses Another Culture Moment
This one was easy for them to grab as it was on Bill Maher’s February 16th show (Real Time). Maybe the Legacy Media is no longer glued to whatever Mr. Maher says. Recently he has made comments which might induce graduates of “prestigious” journalism schools to light their hair on fire. This vignette was of major significance but not worthy of their mention. Leave it to the right-of-center media “heathens” to grab it for what it was – a true moment. Maher had two guests as he typically does for his panel. One was Van Jones, who is a darling of the Left with his charming demeanor. The other was the ultimate villain of the Left (other than the Orange Man), Ann Coulter. Ann is edgy, but she doesn’t do it in a cavalier manner. She states what she thinks, and it is always well-researched. She was in the proverbial lion’s den where Maher’s live audience undoubtedly saw her as the devil incarnate. She didn’t flinch. The hatred toward Ann is something that I witnessed firsthand. She did deep research into information from the vaults in Russia as Communism fell. Lo and behold, she discovered that quintessential “bogeyman” Senator Joe… Read More