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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

A Tax Cut For Universal Preschool

I guess the “Universal Preschool” initiative backed by Rob Reiner qualified for the ballot this past week. Besides being a breathtakingly stupid idea (our public schools are failing despite massive spending increases, so lets layer on ANOTHER grade level), the advertising being done by First Five advocating preschool all but guarantees that adding just one more year of education will result in the following for all children benefiting from this measure: 1) no child will ever go to jail again; 2) no child will ever have to go on welfare; 3) all the kids will be prepared for the workforce and go to college; 4) children attending preschool will do much better academically than those who do not. I mean really, its a MIRACLE!

If we take preschool proponents at their word, we need an immediate tax cut if the initiative passes. I mean, look at how little spending we are going to need on prisons, welfare, unemployment, health care, and remedial education. I can see the State Budget going from $125 billion down to NOTHING! Maybe we can even just dissolve state government because preschool cures everything!