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Jennifer Nelson

Hey Big Spender…Spend a Little Time With Me!

As Legislative Republicans continue to express their doubts about the Governor’s massive bond proposal, Gov. Schwarzenegger turned to one of the state’s top Democrats for support for his new spending program.  Schwarzenegger appeared today with Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa at an event at Los Angeles’ Union Station, where, according to a Governor’s Office news release, the two men "explained how investing wisely in California’s transportation infrastructure will decrease commute times, speed freight delivery, improve air quality and create jobs, as the state prepares for its projected growth."

What a difference three months and a two-hundred-billion dollar spending package makes.  Just last October, Villaraigosa was trashing the governor in the media.

"I’m opposed to all of his initiatives," Villaraigosa told the press.  "In this instance it’s very clear that the initiative process is being misused."

But today Villaraigosa was singing a different tune.

"I commend Governor Schwarzenegger for recognizing the considerable transportation challenges facing California. We agree that it is critical for our state’s future that we make substantial investments in our transportation infrastructure.  Transportation and transit corridors keep us connected, bring us the goods we need, and serve as the foundation for jobs and economic progress today and in the future. I look forward to working with the Governor and the legislature to address our transportation needs," he said.

Boy, tell the world that you were wrong about the special election and propose a massive new spending program, and all of a sudden the Democrats LOVE you. 

I’m sure that the governor’s people are telling themselves that they need to reach out beyond the yucky Republicans who got them into so much trouble in November to "real Californians."  The problem is that many Republicans would not have advised the Governor to have done what he tried to do last November.  Not that the special election was a bad idea, it wasn’t.  It was trying to do too much all at once that really created headaches for the governor. 

The Governor ended his event by thanking Villaraigosa for his "fantastic leadership and support."  Wow, I can’t wait to see the Villaraigosa press release endorsing the governor in his bid for reelection.  I’m sure it will be just as glowing.