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Mike Spence

RNC endorses “Guest Worker Program” on voice vote. What did California’s Reps do?

At the recent meeting of the Republican National Committee a debate between two resolutions on immigration created a controversy.  California Republican National Committeewoman Barbara Alby (pictured right) co-sponsored the tough on illegal alien resolution sponsored by Arizona Committeeman Randy Pullen. You can see FR Publisher Jon Fleischman’s commentary on it here.

The Bushies had another resolution that endorsed his guest worker program along with some illegal alien enforcement provisions. Dick Cheney and other big guns came to the defense of the President.  Pullen withdrew his resolution and by a voice vote the Bush version passed. See the Human Events article here.

In looking on the footage broadcast by Lou Dobbs on CNN there was one vote against the measure.  I’ve confirmed that was Pullen.  So the question is…did the three representatives from California, Alby, Chairman Duf Sundheim (pictured right) and Committeeman Tim Morgan (pictured left), abstain or did they vote for the guest worker program?

The changes made a decade ago that allowed for direct election of RNC members from the State GOP will make votes on these issues more important in future races.