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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Gov’s Deputy Chief of Staff to GOP Lawyers: Send us qualified applicants – we want to appoint Republicans. Much more…

* Governor Schwarzenegger’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Dan Dunmoyer (pictured), attended the meeting of the California Republican Lawyers Association last weekend at the State GOP confab in San Jose.  Dunmoyer spent over a half hour talking to the group, and to its leaders, both publicly and privately.  He made it clear that the Governor’s administration would like to appoint more Republicans, and specifically would like to work with the CRLA towards that goal.  He said that he looked forward to working with CRLA to set up a specific process to engage them in the process of making suggestions for potential nominees, and would work with the group to get them information ahead-of-time on locations of vacancies.  In response to this, the (very excited) CRLA members, according to their Los Angeles County Chairman Adam Abrahms, have already set up a new program, forming their own "Mini-JENY" Commission – aimed at being able to give the administration the names of Republicans to consider for appointment.  Are you a qualified Republican Attorney who would like to seek an appointmen to the bench?  Write to Adam, via the FR, here.  Oh yes, a FR ‘shout out’ to Dunmoyer, who is quickly becoming VERY well respected by conservatives around California for his leadership.
* Yesterday the Governor appointed his first judge since the GOP convention – a Republican.  So far, he’s batting 1000%   Right on!
* Look for our Winners & Losers of the Winter GOP Convention to kick-off next week’s Monday FlashReport, along with a wrap up of the goings-on at the California Republican Assembly’s State Convention taking place this weekend in Bakersfield.  I was going to run it today, but there is already so much content in today’s FlashReport!
* Don’t miss the featured column today on the incredible event held by the UC Irvine College Republicans.  This event gained national attention, and thanks to some great penmanship, you can take five minutes and see what it was like to plan the first public unveilable of some controversial anti-Mohommed (and some anti-American cartoons that were printed in middle-east newspapers).  Hear the tale of how one CR club (their Treasurer, and President are pictured to the right) overcame pressure, intimidation and threats to honor the first amendment rights of all Americans!
**There is more – click the link**

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