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Jon Fleischman

Fire Reiner – Shame on legislative Democrats

The rallying cry is growing – Fire Rob Reiner!  As we have written about several times on this site, Rob Reiner is an embarrassment to us all.  Not only that, but his political philosophy is at the extreme left end of the Democrat Party.  This is clearly not someone that we would want in any position of public trust, and now we know why.  As head of the Prop. 10 Spending Commission for California, millions of taxpayer dollars were used to buy commercials supporting state-run preschool as an idea, while he was paying signature gatherers to help him qualify his initiative to tax wealthy Californians to create a state-run, centralized pre-school bureaucracy.  A lot has been written on all of this.  Well, State Senate Republicans have now penned a letter to the Governor, asking that Reiner be replaced (Reiner’s term has expired, and with the stroike of a pen, he is off of this influencial commission).  You can do something about it, too.  There is an on-line petition set up at where you, too, can ask the Governor to terminate the Meathead!
I don’t have any more updates for you on the bond package negotiations, but I will tell you that the proposals that I have seen have the Democrats in the legislature trying to run rough-shod over the Governor and Republican legislators.  Between the vast-amounts of pork spending (what else can you call it when an ‘infrastructure’ plan is loaded up with so much non-infrastructure that is virtually all targeted social-engineering projects that happen to benefit the districts of Democrats?).  Add to it a troublingly (is that a word?) large amount (billions) of borrowing where the spending will be done later by a ‘majority’ vote (ie…Republicans are out of process), and more — and we have a horrible situation.  Democrats know, politically, that the Governor is anxious to bring an infrastucture package to the voters, via the legislative process, and so they are pushing to ‘load up the Christmas Tree with as many heavy ornaments as possible.’
Perhaps it will soon be time to consider taking an infrastructure plan straight to the electorate, via the initiative process.  One that has all of the needed mechanisms to finance infrastructure, but also includes pay-as-you-go, spending reform and a focus on actual infrastructure.  This would unite all Republicans, and give the Governor a positive package to place before the voters when he is on the ballot.  If Steve Westly or Phil Angelides want to oppose a real infrastructure package, they can do so at their own peril.

Let me close by commending the Governor and legislative Republicans for showing a commitment to real infrastructure investment in California.  With the provisions being put forward by Assembly Republicans, this massive investment is done in the most responsible way possible.  SHAME on the Democrats for trying to laden down a great plan with horrible pork-spending.
Have a great day, and please keep those great comments, ideas and tips coming (even anonymously) coming!

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