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Barry Jantz

Breaking News in 50th CD

As I write at 10:45 a.m., SD County Supervisor Pam Slater-Price is announcing her endorsement of Alan Uke for the 50th C.D. seat.  The U-T and North County Times are at the announcement, so the FlashReport is breaking the news here.

The Slater-Price endorsement is significant in that Pam was long rumored to be interested in the seat, and while leaving many guessing into February about her intentions, she would have been a major contender.  She is very popular in her Sup district, which for the most part IS the 50th congressional.  Contrary to rumors of Uke slowing his spending, this likely means he will spend big to tout Pam’s support of his candidacy.

Philosophically, Slater-Price is a GOP moderate and believes that it takes similar views to win the district.  As I recall, she has called the area "Fiscally conservative, socially moderate, and environmentally liberal."  Morrow, Kaloogian and Roach may not see it that way.

Whether this puts Uke in a position to compete with Bilbray’s more moderate record, or futher defines a split in the moderate vote, remains to be seen.

I still say this race is nearly anybody’s ball game.

One Response to “Breaking News in 50th CD”

  1. Says:

    When are those moderates going to learn that when they split their vote some conservative will win!