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Mike Spence

LA goes nuts for illegals

Police estimate the a half a million people showed up for a rally against some anti illegal legislation in Congress. Here is the story. Of course some of them were illegal, but many weren’t. This rally shows what happens when a nation refuses to enforce our laws for two decades. Of course many want the system to stay broken. They have two decades of exploiting it. 

Or maybe this was a commercial for buying land in Idaho.

2 Responses to “LA goes nuts for illegals”

  1. Says:

    Mike this reminds me of 1994 all over again. Thousands of illegals protesting that we’re not giving away enough benefits and waving their Mexican flags in the faces of all of stupid voters and politicians who keep putting up with all this crap. When Bush signs this amnesty bill, there will be no hope for this November and I will never forget the sellout to our country. Any Republican that votes for this amnesty doesn’t deserve to hold office anymore IMO. We will be watching.

  2. Says:

    And yet, when Bush does sign it, you’ll get the inevitable chorus of “Duh… Kerry would have been worse!”

    The cult mentality rules supreme.