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Mike Spence

When Conservatives Abandon their Movement

Tom Delay was a conservative member of Congress. Although he announced his resignation yesterday, he had ceased to be a conservative congressman several years earlier. He became part of the club. He supported other Republicans because they were part of the club, regardless of whether that protected the family or our pocketbook.

 This disheartening trend is happening in Orange County in the 35th Senate District. The Choice is clear. An Assemblyman named Tom Harman that has voted for bigger government, was first elected in the open primary with Democratic votes and has the support of labor unions or Diane Harkey, a pro-family, anti-tax conservative.

 Look at the list of Harkey endorsements 
Congressman John Campbell 
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher 
Congressman Ed Royce 
Senator Tom McClintock
Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, who maxed out at over $3,250 Assemblyman 
Ray Haynes

Now look at the Harman endorsements. 
Senator Jim Battin
Senator Dave Cox 
Senator Bob Margett 
Senator Sam Aanestad 
Assemblyman Russ Bogh 
Assemblyman Bill Emmerson 
Assemblyman Bill Maze
Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher
Assemblyman Guy Houston 
Assemblyman Rick Keene 
Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian 
Assemblyman Roger Niello 
Assemblyman Dave Cogdill 
Assemblyman Jay La Suer 
Assemblyman George Plescia 

And now look at some of the $$ 
RICK KEENE FOR ASSEMBLY 2006, $3,300.00 
PLESCIA FOR ASSEMBLY (06), $3,300.00 
AGHAZARIAN 2006, $1,000 

Of course not everyone on that list is a conservative. I expect Lyn Daucher and some of the others to support Harman. But some of these “leaders” claim to be conservative and interested in the movement. They have put their club above changing California. 

Local conservatives need to be forthright with these and others who call themselves conservatives. Stop helping the enemy because they are in the club!

3 Responses to “When Conservatives Abandon their Movement”

  1. Says:

    A good warning to legislators, regardless of their individual ideologies, about joining the careerist club. The federal version of this club is what finally cost Democrats the Congress in ’94, and it’s what’s going to cost (IMHO) Republicans at least one house of Congress this year.

  2. Says:

    Very enlightening research project, Mike. Thanks for your hard work.

    It is interesting to note that many of Mr. Harman’s supporters backed up their commitment to the Assemblyman with hard dollars while Ms. Harkey’s supporters (with the exception of Chuck DeVore who, as we all know, is a class act) just loaned their name.

    Conservatives generally don’t like to spend money, but a little green would add some commitment to their endorsement.

  3. Says:

    Mike is right on. Just to add a little to the story, I personnaly placed in the mail to Mr. Harman and Ms. Harkey the CRA questionnaire and an invitation to attend our CRA endorsing convention. Diane filled out the questionnaire, attended our convention and answered our questions. Tom Harman did not respond to the questionnaire or the invitation and he did not make an appearance at the convention. I guess he did not wish to defend his pro tax and anti family voting record.

    Diane earned our endorsement not only for attending the convention but for all the good work for conservative causes in Dana Point and the State.

    Craig Alexander,
    President South Orange County Replublican Assembly