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Jon Fleischman

Good grief! The Gov taps a Hillary, Boxer, major Dem donor for reappointment to the CSU Board?

Education is a critical issue for America, and for California.  As a political professional, I spent the 1998 election cycle 100% dedicated to the education issue, first as the campaign coordinator for the successful Proposition 227 (to end the failed practice of bilingual education in public schools) and then as Campaign Manager for Gloria Matta Tuchman, who narrowly lost against former Democratic State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin. 

I am a graduate of the California State University System and served as a member of the California State Students Association representing my university, and I also volunteered on a statewide commiteee of the CSU System.

It pains me to no end to know that during five long years, now-disgraced and recalled Governor Gray Davis appointed some very liberal Democrats to the important and impactful position of being a Trustee for the California State University system.  There are only a few of these appointments.  One of the painful appointments was when Davis appointed his former top education advisor (when he was Liuetenant Governor), Debra Farar (pictured), to this prestigious and influential panel. 

For me, one of the greatest effects of successfully recalling Gray Davis and replacing him with Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger was that these kinds of appointments wouldn’t happen anymore — extreme partisan Democrats.  Of course, knowing that Schwarzenegger was no right-winger, I was under no illusions that his Governship would be marked with all right-wingers like me.  With that said, I am going to have to seriously adjust my expectation level — I manage to actually get disappointed when Arnold Schwarzenegger appoints REALLY PARTISAN Democrats to REALLY IMPORTANT positions of public trust.  Let a Democrat Governor appoint these lefties – please!

Anyways, today amidst an announced list of appointments that was predomintly filled with Republicans, I note that the Governor has actually re-nominated Democrat Farar to another term on the CSU Board of Trustees!

Just taking a moment to look up Debra Farar’s history of political giving shows thousand dollar checks to both Senator Feinstein and Senator Boxer, two $1000 checks to Hillary Clinton’s Senatorial campaigns, a $5,000 check to HILL PAC (Hillary Clinton’s Political Action Committee), and $45,000 in checks to the Democratic Senatorial Committee!  Overall, she has given over sixty grand to campaign committees for liberal politicians or their political committees.

But wait, there’s more. CNN lists Ferar as an overnight guest of the Clintons at the White House back in the day.

Look, Debra Farar has all of the right in the world to give support to left wingers like Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer.  After all, this is America.   But I don’t think it is unreasonable for someone like me, who worked hard to recall Gray Davis, and campaigned vigorously to elect Arnold Schwarzenegger, to be upset and depressed (depending on the moment) about appointments like this.

I just want him to STOP appointing far-left activists and major donors to far-left causes.  Some moderate Democrats here and there I can handle, but someone who would finance Hillary Clinton’s campaigns and PAC?  Good grief.  (Someone shake me if I am being unreasonable.)