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Gallegly Snafu Causing Legislature to Rethink Law

Several weeks ago, all hell broke loose in Ventura County when longtime US Representative Elton Gallegly stated that although he filed as a candidate for re-election to his seat, he would not run for re-election due to health concerns.  This announcement spawned a last minute flurry of activity over who would, and could, legally file for and run for that seat.  For a while it looked like an unknown challenger, Michael Tenenbaum, would waltz into the seat due to being in the right place at the right time.  After significant pressure from national GOPers, including the Speaker of the House, Gallegly decided to campaign for his seat and is likely to be re-elected.  (Notably, shortly after Gallegly announced his decision not to run, I suggested here on the FlashReport that he should be re-elected regardless of whether he campaigned to prevent a no-name from becoming the unintended beneficiary of a nominally open seat in Congress).

Now, legislation sponsored by State Senator Jim Battin (R-La Quinta), is being put forward to fix the glitch that could have resulted had Gallegly not decided to run for reelection after having filed for the seat.  SB 1258 would require the candidate-filing period for congressional office be extended by five days in situations in which the incumbent decides not to seek re-election.  This fix would essentially mirror the law that presently exists for state and local office.  My understanding is the bill is presently headed to the Senate Appropriations Committee for consideration.

2 Responses to “Gallegly Snafu Causing Legislature to Rethink Law”

  1. Says:

    While they are at it, they need to fix the other glitch in Congressional filing law in California, district residency. There is no requirement that a candidate be a resident of the Congressional District in which they file. There is for every other office, just not Congress. If you are a registered Party member for the requisite period you can run in any Congressioanl District in the state.

    Kevin Ready
    Candidadte for Superior Court Judge
    Santa Barbara County

  2. Says:

    While they are at it, they need to fix the other glitch in Congressional filing law in California, district residency. There is no requirement that a candidate be a resident of the Congressional District they file for office in. There is for every other office, just not Congress. If you are a registered Party member for the requisite period you can run in any congressional district in the state.
    Kevin Ready
    Candidadte for Superior COurt Judge
    Santa Barbara County