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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

Wall’s Appointment to CRP Board… The CRP Board appointed longtime SD activist Warene Wall to its ranks on Friday.  Here’s Ron Nehring’s take on it, sent to SD GOP folks:

I’m extremely pleased to announce that minutes ago the California Republican Party Board of Directors confirmed the appointment of our own Warene Wall to be the new Vice Chair/South of the state party.  Warene replaces Keith Carlson, who was elected CRP Treasurer at our February convention.

Warene is a first class member of our leadership team, and I’m certain she will do a great job in her new position on the CRP Board of Directors.  The appointment does not affect her position as our 2nd V/C in San Diego.

Three years ago, there was not a single San Diegan on the state party board of directors.  Today, Warene is the *third* San Diegan on the state party board, joining my self and Assemblyman George Plescia, who joined the Board when he became Assembly Republican leader on Monday.



Although there had been rumblings about others interested in the Southern Vice Chair position, it was made clear that no FlashReport bloggers need apply.  I know Warene will serve us capably in the months ahead.  What happens, however, at the 2007 CRP organizational ho-down is anyone’s guess.  Any insights?  Provide them here.

Leave it to Gummint, Part II… As I reported a couple of Sunday’s ago, Libertarians had filed suit against the City of National City after the city submitted its own ballot argument for a 1% sales tax hike to the city clerk, in so doing exceeding the 300 word limit substantially.  Now the outcome… a judge has simply lopped off the last 41 words of the argument, perhaps making it read like something good enough for government work.  Here’s portions of the Libertarian press release:

National City Tax Hikers Lose Their Bottoms

National City — On Friday, April 14th, Hon. Judge Joan Lewis of San Diego Superior Court cut off the bottom of the Yes on Prop. D ballot book argument because, the judge ruled, the authors and signers violated California law when they submitted a ballot argument that was significantly in excess of the 300 word limit.  Prop. D is the National City politicians’ second attempt to raise their city’s sales tax a full one percent higher than what the rest of the county taxpayers pay. 

“To give one side, either pro or con, an advantage such as allowing them to file later or, as in this case, to have more words, is unfair,” explained (Randy) Myrseth, the plaintiff in the lawsuit.  In this case, proponents submitted a ballot argument that was estimated at 341 words.  The ballot signers, and especially the City Clerk, should have known better.  “The argument, as submitted was printed out over three sheets of paper.  That should have alerted the City Clerk, and the signers as well, that they were way, way over the word limit.” said Myrseth. 

Myrseth points out that the City’s own documents show that the City’s budget suddenly jumped up about 2004 after the City Council approved for themselves and the city’s employees huge retroactive increases in pensions.  “The problem isn’t revenue, it’s spending,” explained Myrseth.

“The National City mayor and city council are acting like they’re running another San Diego,” joked Myrseth, alluding to the huge pension deficit problems currently experienced by the City of San Diego – now derisively known as Enron-by-the-Sea.

Thompson Surging Over Horn?… Received the following from the Bruce Thompson for Sup campaign, citing an "internal automated" but otherwise invisible poll.  Come on, Team Bruce, give us the info, some kind of data we can chew on:

Thompson Campaign Surging

In the wake of the controversy surrounding Bill Horn, the Thompson for Supervisor Campaign is surging ahead.  An internal automated poll shows Thompson ahead of Horn among likely voters in North County.  The Thompson campaign has also been inundated with sign requests in the past few weeks.  A new order for signs has been placed to fill the demand.

Letter from Bill Morrow… Lastly, several days ago, FR contributor and Morrow consultant Joe Justin posted his Wish List on his disappointment with the CD 50 outcome.  I said it in a comment after the post, and I’ll say it again … Joe, you’re a class act, any way one looks at it. Outcomes don’t always speak to ability, and certainly not to integrity. You are blessed with an abundance of both.

Someone else blessed with both is Bill Morrow.  Received a letter which speaks to Bill’s supporters as well as to the man’s character.  You can read the attachment below.

2 Responses to “Sunday San Diego”

  1. Says:

    Wow! Warene is an awesome role model for Republican Women. Go Warene!

  2. Says:

    Thank you for your kind words both then and now Barry. To be sure sometimes there is no correlation between good work and the outcome of a campaign, but we all have roles to play and if you’re mature enough to admit your part in things, then I think you learn.

    As to Warene Wall’s appointment, that’s a real winner. Anyone who understands grass roots, knows Warene. Great appointment.

    Finally, I find myself coming to the Flashreport exclusively for Sunday San Diego…great hook…great work.