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Jon Fleischman

‘Protect Our Homes’ Initiative Mails ONE MILLION Petitions!

If you were a member of the Filipino Baptist Fellowship Church in Long Beach, you would be confronted with the fact that the California Redevelopment Agency wants to condemn your Church…  If you are in Yolo County, your county is using police powers to try and seize the 16,300 Conaway Ranch, intending to own and manage the ranch itself…  If you are the owner of 16 acres of residential land in Grand Terrace, California, city officials are trying to force a shopping center and a ‘big box’ store on your land… 

These are just a small sampling of abuses that are currently taking place because California property owners are lacking basic protections to preserve their private property rights against over 6,000 governmental jurisdictions in California that have the power to seize your property! 

In the next couple of days, over ONE MILLION letters will arrive into the mailboxes of California voters.  Inside of them, an urgent appeal from popular State Senator (and GOP Lieutenant Governor nominee) Tom McClintock, asking voters to fill out a petition to help qualify the Protect Our Homes Act in time for the November 2006 election ballot.  (Attached to this commentary are .pdf files of the letter, envelope and enclosed petition).

The mailing is being followed by automated phone calls from the Senator.

The FlashReport wants to give a big ‘shout out’ to Senator McClintock for signing this letter — but would also like to acknowledge and recognize the Chairman of the Protect our Homes Coalition, Orange County Assemblywoman Mimi Walters.  Walters is leading the effort to pass this measure, and it was her decision, in fact, to feature the popular McClintock in the letter that went out.  As a matter of fact, I think it is rather selfless that Walters, who could have signed her own name to that letter, showed some political savvy by instead choosing to feature her popular colleague, McClintock.

According to consultant Kevin Spillane, the measure already has received several hundred thousand signatures, and there is no doubt that the Protect Our Homes Act will qualify for the ballot – but this mailer is intended to ensure that the petition drive results in enough signatures by mid-May, the deadline for making the November election!

While the two primary champions of this measure, Walters and McClintock, are Republicans, Spillane points out that his measure will undoubtedly enjoy wide appeal from Democrats, Independents, Libertarians and others.

Spillane wants to encourage anyone who would like more petitions to call the Coalition office at 916-924-7501.  You can also reach the Coalition by clicking through on their advertisement on this website.

It is important to have issues on the November ballot that will turn out conservative voters — and the Protect Our Homes Act will do just that.  So it is time for you to step up and make a difference.  Get involved today!

Have a great day!


PS:  A special FR "THANK YOU" to our Guest Editor Nicholas Romero, who is getting a little more practice at this than he thought.  Nicholas returns today (Tuesday) and tomorrow (Wednesday) to help keep you up to speed on California’s latest political news!