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Congressman John Campbell

The Internet: The New Political Frontier

Recently I was asked by the Orange County Republican Party to submit a column for their revamped website. Of course I was happy to oblige, penning a piece entitled, "The Internet: The New Political Frontier."
In it, I talk about the importance of the internet, and, of course, my involvement with the FlashReport.
Below are the first two paragraphs of my column followed by a link so you can read it on the
If you had the opportunity to influence the opinions of millions of people, do you think would you use it? With the Internet you do. And this new way of communicating is reshaping the way politics and campaigns work. I am excited to see the Orange County Republican Party taking such an active role in the online political world. Scott Baugh and his team have really outdone themselves with this new website. I am sure it will prove to be a valuable resource for Republicans in and around the county whether they are volunteers, a Republican club member, a Congressman or the average voter.
Over the last decade, the Internet has shaped the always evolving face of politics, so a tool like is indispensable.   One of the earliest political campaigns of our nation was the effort to ratify the Constitution. In that debate, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison used the Federalist Papers, a series of scholarly essays published in newspapers throughout the nation, to build support for the founding document. A lot has changed in the two centuries since then, but the idea is the same.
Click here to read the whole column.