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Barry Jantz

The Money Lowdown: AD 77

Here’s the money story for 3/18-5/20 in the five-way GOP scramble to assume the mantle from Assemblyman Jay La Suer:

Joel Anderson
Contributions: $39,353
Expenditures: $111,097
Cash on Hand: $70,003

Nancy Beecham
No report filed on-line (yet?)

Debbie Beyer
Contributions: $27,210
Expenditures: $86,958
Cash on Hand: $25,505

Jack Dale
Contributions: $45,663
Expenditures: $51,955
Cash on Hand: $75,587

Bill Jenkin
Contributions: $6,875
Expenditures: $33,499
Cash on Hand: $39,700

Short of a "June Surprise" from Nancy Beecham (I’ll get to that in a sec), is this race coming down to a Dale and Anderson sprint to the finish?  It appears so.  Anderson’s big $111k of expenditures in the last few weeks is going to direct voter contact, no question.  Beyer’s fairly significant $87k in expenditures seems to be offset by little money for the stretch, as well as no ballot statement.  Dale shelled out only $52k during the period, but has all along spent an inordinate amount on consultants and staff.  He has $75k COH compared to Anderson’s $70k.  These two seem to be in it for the final 10 days.  Jenkin, the nicest guy you’ll meet, all over the district with a nice grassroots effort, doesn’t have enough COH for the push, but does have more than Beyer.  And, Nancy Beecham?  I couldn’t tell you.

The big question is why Nancy hasn’t filed a campaign statement on line, since they were due two days ago.  Yeah, sure, I could determine if she has a hard copy filed at the ROV, but one of the reasons for the mandate to file disclosures on-line with Bruce McPherson’s office, like it or not, is so political hacks and bloggers (redundant?) like me can easily access the information.  You know, that paperless society sort of thing.

The questions all along have been whether Nancy would actually spend that $100k loan she parked on 12/31/05, and if there is more where that came from.  Well, we still don’t know.  We could surmise that the Beecham campaign is hiding the answer as long as possible…or that Nancy has Treasurer problems.  I’d say it’s the latter, folks.  

Note to Treasurer:  You know, you do have to file a campaign statement.

Hey, someone (Duane D., Jen. J., Nancy, anyone) give us some insight on what right now looks like a stealth campaign, would you?

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Saracino in CPR: Spoilers in ADs 59 and 77?

Anderson Goes After Sex Offenders in AD 77…

Ode to the 77th