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Jon Fleischman

Time for “booing” in the Legislature!

Hello from Edinburgh, Scotland.  The quaint B&B at which I am staying had a computer with internet access, so I thought I would pen a short note.  Actually, my post will be much shorter than it otherwise would have been because I just had a chance to read Barry Jantz’ commentary (which he has saved ‘behind the scenes’ here at the FR until later this morning).  If you haven’t read it already – please do.  I share with the concerns of many the idea that there is funding in the state budget for anyone who is not in the country legally for any benefit or service.  But let’s not get so caught up on this line item in the huge, fat, bloated state budget that we don’t step back and see the state budget for what it truly is – an outrage.

The sheer size and volume of the state budget (well in excess of a HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS) is shameful.  At a time when the discussions in Sacramento should be about how to REDUCE the SIZE AND SCOPE of state government, instead there is arguing about spending priorities.

How about this for a spending priority — the vast size of the state budget should allow Californians to easily VOTE NO ON THE ENTIRE BIG BONDS PACKAGE that the legislature and Governor placed on the November ballot.  Californians are paying MORE THAN ENOUGH in taxes currently to fund state government AND pay-as-we-go on any infrastructure investment.  A vote FOR the bonds is a for TO CONTINUE to allow the Democrats who run the legislature to spend our money on nonsense and on social engineering programs.

Anyways, yesterday I had a chance to watch the Scottish Parliament in session.  They were debating whether or not people from Great Britain, but not from Scotland, should have to pay higher tuition for attending college here.  I found the manner of their debate to be quite refreshing.  The MP’s had no trouble banging on their tables, jeering, and booing their political opponents, right on the floor!  At first it seemed odd.  Then, refreshingly honest.  Perhaps Senator Ackerman and Assemblyman Plescia could lead a "booing" session over the vastness of the state budget.  Whe GOPers are done jeering the largess, vote NO and lets have a real dialogue about the spending priorities of state government.  How about a rebate to overtaxed Californians?

Cheer-i-o from Great Britain!