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Mike Spence

Today’s Commentary: Team Sports, Diversity and the Governor

Team Sports are very important in the USA. Today as you pass parks there are various sport teams playing in almost every one of them. In American high schools even sports that are individual are organized into teams. I know people can tell from my physique I was a four-year Varsity swimmer.
As a younger kid, I spent three glorious years in my local little league. My nickname was "The Statue". Why? I didn’t swing my bat the entire first year. I do have a great story about my first hit if you ever want to hear it. I usually spent three innings in right field (of course right field) praying along with my coaches and other players and their parents that no one would pull the ball and hit to me.
Get the picture. The only person that thought I was good was my Mom, who still doesn’t know any of the rules about baseball.
Everybody complained about my performance or lack there of. But on game day everybody wanted me to do well and help them win, somehow.
What that does that have to do with politics?
Well, we have two teams Democrats and Republicans. Normally we fight in primaries and then unite around our team. We may complain and pray they don’t mess up, but we want victories.
This brings me to the Dick Mountjoy for US Senate campaign. Dick was willing to step up to the plate when nobody else would. How embarrassing would it have ben if the party didn’t field a candidate against Feinstein? 

Dick is a better candidate than I was a little leaguer. He has ran statewide, has a statewide volunteer base  and has been elected as a Councilman, Assemblyman and State Senator. He has always been a loyal Republican. He authored Prop. 187 which passed overwhelmingly in 1994.

Some people have been willing to help. CRP Vice-Chair Ron Nehring has organized an entire day in San Diego to help Dick out. Other county chairs could do the same.
So why is the Governor not endorsing Dick Mountjoy? Because Dick doesn’t have a million bucks in the bank? That can’t be it, because there is at least one other GOP nominee that is in even a worse position than Dick.
Why isn’t the Governor a team player? I think it is because he was a body builder. There are no organized Body Building teams out there, No San Diego Steroids or Los Angeles Lat Spreads of Anaheim. When it is time for your side triceps pose it is all about you and not some other team member doing well.
So Governor, be a team player and endorse every GOP nominee. It is what we do when we are part of team and expect loyalty from every member of that team.

On a side note.

Two days ago the Governor spoke to the Log Cabin Republican Club, whose National group yanked their endorsement of George W Bush. He talked about diversity etc… Ten years ago everyone would lecture conservatives about the “Big Tent” and being tolerant of liberals in the party.

While I can find no instance of party leader publicly refusing to endorse GOP nominees of any stripe, that was the charge leveled at conservatives by liberals. So where is the outrage at Republicans publicly undermining GOP nominees now? Where is the diversity and lectures of unity and the “Big Tent”? Or was all the “Big Tent” talk a trick to steal my camping gear.

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Team Sports, Diversity and the Governor”

  1. Says:

    Swimming? And all this time I thought you were recruited to UCLA as a gymnast with me.