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Syd Barrett died a few days ago…if I was half as much a devote of rock music as all of my fellow bloggers think I am….I’d dedicate this post to him….but I won’t…because Syd had left Pink Floyd before Time …the song about how life can slip by you unless you’re careful….made it on to the Dark Side of the Moon… I’m going to dedicate it to the folks …and the sons of famous dads….over at the Gov’s shop. 

Everyone knows I’m not a Gov syncophant…he doesn’t know who I am and I’m certainly not on the A list of the people who invite folks like my good friend Dan Schnur to big pow wows in his tent to talk about Term Limits and the like…so I write this because…well…I’m bored because my the kids are in Cabo.

Time.  That’s what the Govs campaign has. 

Everyone is all a twitter about the Rassumssen poll…who gives a rip…Mike Der Manouel wrote something about Angelides putting himself in check over the gay marriage thing…saying he’d sign it….I call it shoring up your base…I’d equate it to moving your pawn forward in a long game of chess.   Same thing with the poll…it’s freaking July…people are so burnt out on politics…it’s vacation time…no one’s watching TV per se…and trust me…they’re  more concerned about getting the kids to bed for tomorrow’s swim meet or hurrying off to the soccer tourney from hell than about making their mind up on the race for Governor.

Ugh. My sense is that we all ought to check the calendar, take a deep breath…and stop reading public polls with no inherent value other than encouraging subscriptions so they can field more polls….kind a like reporters writing to sell papers…same **it…different day.   

The Guv’s gonna win…and it won’t be because of some poll.  I think this race is about…….More Cowbells….more cowbells!!!  and the set stage theory.

So me? I’m taking it one day at a time.  I’m not wringing my hands over some goofy public poll….I’m heading out to buy P.U.L.S.E. the new Pink Floyd DVD because I get to stay up late …no swim meet tomorrow.   :)

One Response to “Time”

  1. Says:

    Great stuff, Joe.

    At least there are no cowbells in any Floyd music. Lots of alarm clocks, however. No alarms going off in the Gov’s race, as of yet, so no fear of the reaper.