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Jon Fleischman

Pombo’s Democrat opponent reaches out to the “Holocaust didn’t happen” team…

FR friend Hank Shaw, State Capitol reporter for the Stockton Record, penned a blog post yesterday where he noted that Congressman Richard Pombo’s Democrat challenger in the 11th District, Jerry McNerney, had dumped his campaign spokesperson (after some stories surfaced about person’s drinking habits).  In his place, McNerney has brought on Rob Caughlan, who was the spokesperson for Pombo’s now-decimated Republican primary opponent, Pete McCloskey.

McNerney has famously changed his positions on dozens of issues since winning his Democrat primary.  You have to wonder, by bringing on McCloskey’s old flack, if that means that McNerney shares McCloskey’s alarmingly dismissive views about the "so-called Holocaust" (those are McCloskey’s words).

I’m not in Stockton, but as a Jewish kid, I will be offended at long-distance.  McNerney should be distancing himself from anyone and anything having to do with McCloskey — instead, he is embracing him, his staff, and presumably his views.