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Mike Spence

Governor inconsistency. Global Warming and Illegal Immigration.

No two issues show the Governor’s inconsistency better than global warming and illegal immigration. Some political observers will say who cares as long as his polls numbers are high etc… If power is your only goal than so be it.
But let’s look at these issues.
The Governor makes a deal with Democrats on “greenhouse gases”. Clearly this is a national or a world issue. The Governor even talked with British Prime Minister Tony Blair about it. His deal will cost consumers money and cost California businesses jobs, but to the Governor that isn’t a problem.
When speaking about illegal immigration, the governor always says the federal government isn’t doing their job and the federal government needs to solve the problem. Arnold of course makes the problem worse by wanting to provide health care and education to millions of illegals at taxpayer expense. (I know he has so far vetoed the license bill and eventually sent troops to border.) Otherwise the Governor has done nothing to stop the job and taxpayer loss cause by illegal immigration.
So the hard question is: Why does the federal government’s “failure” on global warming warrant attention, even at the expense of our economic stand, but their failure to do anything about illegals doesn’t?

Of course the answer is, this is what we get when we elect someone without a consistent philosophy. I take that back.

It is what we get when we elect some one who thinks in terms of their own power above anything else.