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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Hate Mail, KMJ and Depressed Conservatives

After I do a radio program, I get hate mail from Republicans who want me to swallow the Kool Aid of Republican mediocrity.  I won’t do it.  The basic principles of this Party are etched in stone in my mind and they aren’t going to be compromised to elect someone that it taking me for granted, paying more attention to my political adversaries than is necessary, and thumbing his nose at his own caucus (see Keith Richmond’s comments)

Yesterday I hosted the Ray Appleton program on Newstalk 580 KMJ.  I had Republican Assemblyman Mike Villines on for the first hour discussing the end of session legislation as well as the Governor and his actions in signing several pieces of legislation offensive to mainstream and right of center voters – further depressing the GOP base and creating despair in the ranks.

I had invited the Governor’s campaign to defend itself in the second hour – no response until 1:45 pm – too late to have anything meaningful.  The callers I had in the second hour were in a very foul mood over SB 1441 – the gay and transvestite civil rights bill, and greenhouse gas bill, and several other pieces of legislation expected to be signed into law.  The Governor had something for everyone in the final legislative push, as all the pieces of the electoral pie were being engaged – except conservatives – once again taken for granted in the entire process.

You can listen to the broadcast at its up on the website now.

And please, no email from moderates with a "he’s better than Angelides" message.  Being better than an uninspiring leftist is not enough.  No matter what the polls presently say, this election is fluid, up for grabs, and entirely dependent on conservative turnout, and that is trouble for this Administration. 

4 Responses to “Hate Mail, KMJ and Depressed Conservatives”

  1. Says:

    I gotta say Mike, you’re right on target. I’ve been an activist since ’92 and I have never felt as unmotivated as I do this year.

  2. Says:

    Mike: Too many Republicans think our party stands for a name, like a fraternity. Some guys are in the Republican house, some guys are in the Democrat house. But they still do the same thing – drink beer.

    The parties are supposed to stand for something. If they don’t, then that’s all they are, parties, like a fraternity party.

    Republicans need to remember something, we are supposed to have principles, an agenda, and a soul. If we start acting like we are Democrats but keep an R next to our name, we’ve already lost.

  3. Says:

    Alex, I am not sure what it takes to get you motivated, but we have the first opportunity since Bruce’s Senate race in 1992 to elect a REAL conservative statewide in Senator Tom McClintock. We get another chance to pass the parental notification initiative AND we can pass REAL eminent domain reform in Prop 90.

    As a BIG bonus you get to vote AGAINST about $100 BILLION in taxing and spending.

    I don’t know about you, but this makes me want to vote early and often!

  4. Says:

    I will clarify, John. The performance of Schwarzenegger, Bush and the open borders, big government lobby in DC makes me feel unmotivated. Tom McClintock being the top of MY ticket gets me out there to support him and any other candidate I know that is an unreserved opponent of illegal immigration, congested highways and big government. Those Republicans seem to be exceedingly scarce at times, but they are there.