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Carl Fogliani

Central Valley is 2008 Ground Zero

When Jon asked me to consider joining the FlashReport to further highlight the Central Valley’s unique and volatile political culture I was honored.  As the premier battleground in California between the parties, the Central Valley has been and will continue to be the place where the conservative movement can make gains in the legislature and congress.  I am looking forward to helping the FlashReport deliver up to date information from the region and contributing to the growth of conservatism in the blogosphere.  I see the FlashReport as the front line in the battle against the extreme leftist bloggers that pollute the internet political landscape today.

Some people have a feeling that I will be writing extensively about developments in the 11th congressional district.  Of course I will.  After Jerry McNerney’s slander campaign against Richard Pombo I look forward to critiquing his actual performance in office.  I anticipate some fun moments as he will have to make decisions that will be between representing his district or standing with his political soulmates George Miller, Pete Stark and Nancy Pelosi in what is, despite democrat spin to the contrary, a suburban Republican district.  However, my main focus will be on the newsworthy machinations of the Central Valley’s political scene from the local level on up and giving readers of the FlashReport a front row seat  that will be different from the leftist blogs and the mainstream media’s skewed perspective.

2008 will be ground zero in the battle for our ideals and values.  With open Republican Assembly seats in districts 10, 15 and 26 and a pickup opportunity in the open democrat 30th district along with an open democrat Senate seat (Mike Machado) in the 5th to go along with a nationally targeted congressional battle in the 11th, the region promises to be intensely competitive from the primary all the way through to the general.   It’s going to be one heck of a ride.