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Jon Fleischman

Schwarzenegger wins “Proggy” Award from PETA

Every wild turkey, prancing deer, hopping rabbit, and vegan in California will be pleased to know that the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals today announced that they have awarded one of their "Proggy" award to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, naming him their Most Progressive Politician.  Why?  Because of two bills he signed — one that makes it against the law to tether an animal longer than three hours and another (back in 2004) to ban the production in California of the food delicancy, Foie Gras (Goose Liver).  I happen to love the stuff, and am pleased to let all Californians know that you can still order it online (though it is a pricy $71.50 for 1.5 lbs) from a producer in New York.

Dubbing the Governor an animal-friendly person, Arnold will receive a commorative plaque, as well as being featured on the PETA website.  The Governor will share "Proggy Honors" with 19 other award winners, including Garden Protein International, Inc. who won tops honors in the category Best New Faux Meat product.

I don’t really know any people who are into torturing animals for no good reason.  But PETA is an extremist group that actually promotes the idea that humans and animals have equivalent rights.  That people should not hunt animals, that clothes should not be made from animal skin, that animals should not be used to test products (such as experimental medicines) and more.  At times PETA, or groups associated with PETA, have actually been involved with violence against those they deem as being cruel to animals (you know, like major drug companies, etcetra).

Hopefully Arnold will flip his Proggy plaque over, and use it as a plate the next time he wolfs down some tasty prime rib or a delightful piece of filet mignon!