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Carl Fogliani

Kucinich-Mcnerney 2008?

11th district Congressman Jerry McNerney (D-Berkeley) has become a co-sponsor of H.R. 508 in the House of Representatives.  What you may ask does the language of H.R. 508 contain that would inspire me to enlighten the readers of this fine blog?  Put simply, the language calls for a withdrawal of American forces in 6 months from Iraq (what else can the democrat party talk about) but the real devil is in the details.  Reading this legislation is a crystal clear glimpse into the true meaning of what McNerney believes when he says we need (his words) "a tougher, smarter approach to the global war on terror."  Here is just a sampling of the finer points of H.R. 508:

Jobs Program for Iraqi Hippies:

McNerney and his fellow leftist lunatics (weirdo Dennis Kucinich along with such leaders in strategic and military thought as Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters are fellow co-sponsors) believe that forming a non-profit "Institute of Peace" in Iraq and spending $25 million in tax dollars a year is the way to go to.  In the words of HR 508, it’s mission includes providing "peace information services on the means to promote domestic tranquility and international peace" and appropriates $25 million starting in 2008 to make it a reality.   That is neither tougher nor smarter.  In fact, it’s lunacy disguised as a foreign policy.  I’m sure Al Qaeda will be busy trying to find ways to counter our "peace information services" program.

Tribute to Jimmy Carter’s Foreign Policy:

HR 508 also limits to 500 the number of Americans permitted to be assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Iraq.  Perfect encouragement for another embassy attack. 

One Last Tribute to Saddam:

HR 508 will set aside $200 million to pay families of those civilians killed in Iraq $10,000.  No word on exactly how it will be determined and if Al Qaeda membership will be an automatic disqualifier.  We remember Saddam paying the families of suicide bombers after they blew themselves and innocent civilians apart in Israel.  Now, Mcnerney and Kucinich would rather we pay the tab for them to come after our troops instead.  Nothing in this legislation would pay the families of American servicemen who have made the ultimate sacrifice the same amount for their sons and daughters.

These people believe they should be taken seriously when discussing national security?  Jerry McNerney is misinterpreting his victory last November.  It will be his undoing if he continues to do so.