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Jon Fleischman

Arnold: Not endorsing in GOP Presidential Primary. Ackerman: Walters is his choice to succeed him. Leno will challenge Migden in SF donnybrook.

There is a ‘must read’ story in the new Beltway Uber-Online Newspaper, The Politico, where reporter Roger Simon publishes a story after conducting a 45 minute private interview with Governor Schwarzenegger.
In the story, apparently the Governor told Simon that he would not endorse a Republican in the Presidential primary, though he had praise for McCain and Giuliani for being "centrist" and the kind of Republicans that can win California.  The way that Simon worded his story, there is no commitment that the Governor will limit his endorsement options to only the GOP nominee…  The Governor quelched any rumors that his wife, Maria Schriver, might run for public office herself, talks about how Democrats are being unfair to Hillary, and expresses his support for a date-specific withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.
You can see the story here.

Also, by way of update, in response to Anaheim Councilam Harry Sidhu’s announcement yesterday that he is running for the State Senate seat of Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman, who is facing term limits.  I was on the phone with Ackerman a few minutes ago, and he made it clear that his choice to succeed him in the Senate is Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, whom he has endorsed.  Walters’ campaign announced the endorsements of OC GOP Aseemblyman Mike Duvall and Jim Silva, which go along with her previously announced support from Todd Spitzer and Chuck DeVore.  As I said yesterday, it will be an uphill battle for Anaheim’s Sidhu.

FR friend Anthony York is reporting over at Capitol Weekly that the member of the California legislature branded "Pro-Criminal" by Assembly Todd Spitzer, that would be former San Francisco Supervisor-now-Assemblyman Mark Leno, has decided to challenge incumbent leftist State Senator Carol Migden in the Democrat primary next year.  One has to wonder if maybe Migden’s new alliance with Spitzer pushed him over the top!  Anyways, this is likely to be a tough battle, but you can be sure that certain employees of the City and County of San Francisco will be on Leno’s side (see this gem by Karen Hanretty).