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Jim Battin

Kevin McCarthy Makes Good

Anyone that knows Kevin McCarthy won’t be surprised that even in his very first term in Congress he has already made a national impression.

The Weekly Standard – one of the premiere conservative magazines in the country – features Congressman Kevin McCarthy prominently on this week’s cover.

Kevin McCarthy and congressmen Eric Cantor (Virginia) and Paul Ryan (Wisconsin) are profiled as the "Young Guns of the House GOP".

Kevin is "The Strategist".

It’s great to see Californians continue to lead on the national scene.  Kevin McCarthy has only just begun.

Congrats my friend.

3 Responses to “Kevin McCarthy Makes Good”

  1. Says:

    I’m sure he was your friend back when he was supporting Doris Allen and Brian Setencich. Ohhhh how we forget.

  2. Says:

    Let’s make a deal Kevin, just admit you were wrong in supporting Brian Setencich and Doris Allen back in 1995 and I’ll drop it. Remember the nice little article Mike Spence wrote about it last year?

    Why don’t you also admit that your buddy (former Bakersfield City Councilman) Randy Rowles was wrong in having a fundraiser in 1995 with the former Orange County DA who was prosecuting Scott Baugh and Dana Rohrbacher’s wife? Were you at that fundraiser?

  3. Says:

    exactly how many majorities has Mr. McCarthy won to merit the gratuitous brown-nosing? It seems to me all he has done is pick the right sugar daddy.