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Jill Buck

What if Code Pink is Right?

Question: What is the difference between the picture on the left and the picture on the right?

Answer: Freedom.

Question: Who secured the freedom the women and children on the left enjoy?

Answer: Those willing to fight and die for it.

Question: Who ensures that the woman and child on the right have no freedom?

Answer: The people we are currently fighting.

I’m not going to call Code Pink ignorant; I’m going to call them innocent of the facts.
I’m not going to call Code Pink ungrateful; I’m going to call them uneducated of the truth.
I’m not going to call Code Pink radicals; I’m going to call them friends of radical Islamists.

In Berkeley, Code Pinkies are protesting a Marine Corps Officer Recruiting Station that they are “horrified is located so near a high school.” Never mind that high school students can’t be recruited for Officer programs…again, Code Pink is innocent of the facts…the Pinkies go on to say in their email that they want to kick the “military predators out of their town” and “protect their vulnerable youth.”  It’s almost like Bin Laden paid these gals to help ensure that Berkeley is wide open for a terrorist attack. Who will “protect their vulnerable youth” in the event the next 9/11 is in Berkeley?

I can understand their fear of losing their children in war. I share the same fear. But the harsh reality is that our children may fall victim to this war whether or not they join the military…3,000 civilians died on 9/11…it could happen again. Thank God for those brave military men and women who leave their own families behind to defend our hard-won freedom overseas.

Newsflash, Ladies: our enemy hates you b/c you are free women with tight shirts and bullhorns. If we lose this war, you will be the first ones they round up in a soccer stadium, gang rape, and shoot. They’ve done it before; they’ll do it again, unless our soldiers deny them the opportunity. If you get your way, you’ll go from Code Pink to Code Burka…the freedom you take for granted is no accident.

If anyone would like to phone the organizers of today’s protest in Berkeley, you can dial: 510-524-2776 or email

2 Responses to “What if Code Pink is Right?”

  1. Says:


    Here is another quote from Ancient Greece, but you would think
    the great dramatist Euripides had written the words this morning:

    —-> “Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make Mad.”

  2. Says:

    A classicly educated person in politics…what a breath of fresh air! Keep it up, Jim! (: