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Tab Berg

Report that Hillary Clinton NH staff taken hostage.

UPDATE:  Incident OVER.

While not neccessarily a CA story, it is an incredible story.

We all have campaign "war stories" — but I’ve never seen anything like this:

Campaigns & Elections Update
Friday Nov. 30, 2007
Man Takes Hostages at Clinton N.H. Campaign Office; Senator Cancels DNC Speech

Just thirty minutes before U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., was scheduled to address the crowd at the Democratic National Committee’s fall meeting in Vienna, Va., her speech was canceled. Hundreds of her supporters filed out as news spread of a hostage situation at the senator’s Rochester, N.H. campaign office.
Early reports of the situation have a man taking at least one hostage in the office. WMUR-TV in New Hampshire is reporting that at least two people have been taken hostage and nearby schools, offices and John Edwards and Barack Obama campaign offices have been evacuated. 
Clinton aides at the DNC meeting are tight-lipped, telling the media they have no comment on the situation and will not be offering comment anytime soon.     
Many of Sen. Clinton’s supporters looked shaken by the news as they filed out of the main ballroom here where the DNC meeting is taking place.
"We need to see a television," yelled one woman, who said DNC Chair Howard Dean had delivered news to the crowd that Sen. Clinton would not be speaking today.  
Clinton staffers and volunteers profusely thanked and apologized to her supporters as they filed out of the ballroom.