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Jon Fleischman

Baric’s Big Support Translates to Big Bucks for CRP Race

There couldn’t be a more qualified candidate seeking a seat on the California Republican Party Board of Directors than Steve Baric.  Baric, the President of the California Republican Lawyers Association, posseses a combination of traits that will serve the party will in one of its governing board members — Steve is smart, understands politics and the role of political parties, grasps business issues (at the end of the day, the CRP is a major corporation) and is grounded in his freedom-liberty oriented ideology.

Anyone who thought they were alone in their positive opinions of Steve needed only attend what was billed as a modest fundraising event on Wednesday night for Steve’s campaign for CRP Secretary (the position is up at this February’s convention and the incumbent, Jalene Forbis, is termed out).  Well over a hundred people came to the event, and Steve’s haul was five-figures!  The good news for CRP members is that it means that Steve will have the resources to really communicate his message going into the convention.

While I was unable to make it to Steve’s event (I admit it, I was taking full advantage of free cocktails and hors d’euvres with Senate and Assembly Republicans at their retreat), there’s a good write up on it by "Tomahawk" over at the newly reformatted Red County/OC Blog.