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Jon Fleischman

Roll Call: Doolittle Retiring

UPDATE: 845am – Associated Press is also now carrying this story.

Congressman John Doolittle is holding a press conference at 10:30 a.m. this morning, and it has been widely speculated that he will be announcing his retirement from Congress at the end of the year.

That said, David Drucker over at Roll Call has decided to "call this one early" through sources, with the story that Doolittle, is in fact, hanging up his political shoes.

Here is the story:

California Source: Doolittle to Announce Retirement Today

Thursday, Jan. 10, 2008; 10:30 am

Embattled Rep. John Doolittle (R-Calif.) is set to announce today that he will not seek a 10th term in November, a Golden State Republican insider said this morning.

The news should come as a relief to national Republican leaders, who have worried about losing Doolittle¹s seat despite its strong Republican lean.

Doolittle has called a news conference for 10:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time at a community center in Roseville, Calif.

Speculation has been rampant that Doolittle would retire from his 4th district seat ever since his Virginia home was raided by the FBI last spring in connection with an investigation into his and his wife Julie¹s ties to disgraced GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

The Congressman has represented the suburbs and foothills just east of Sacramento for 18 years.

The 4th district is solid Republican territory. But Doolittle narrowly escaped a challenge from police administrator Charlie Brown (D) in November 2006. Brown, who is running again this cycle, has raised more money than Doolittle thus far, and he has been favored in some polls to beat the Republican if he faces him again in November.

Republicans outside of Doolittle¹s core of supporters believe the GOP will hold this seat as long as the Congressman is not their 2008 nominee.

One Response to “Roll Call: Doolittle Retiring”

  1. Says:

    Too bad guys like Tom Delay didn’t have the guts to do the right thing like Doolittle is.