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Jon Fleischman

Fabian’s New Song: “One is the loneliest number…”

The crying sound that you hear is that of Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez.  Rumor has it that he locked himself in his private office restroom and won’t come out.  He is apparently crying over the most immediate impact the anticipated loss of his Proposition 93, which would keep him in office for six more years.

Only one of seven Democrats voted for the healthcare plan/tax hike plan that he authored, AB 1X1, on behalf of himself and the Governor.  All four Republicans voted against it.

What could be next for poor Fabian?  Soon he will have to take in his own dry-cleaning!

5 Responses to “Fabian’s New Song: “One is the loneliest number…””

  1. Says:

    Actually, Jon, that was Steve Poizner in the bathroom crapping his pants now that another high tech Republican has more money than he has to win the GOP Republican gubernatorial nod in 2010.

  2. Says:

    Since the race on 93 if you believe the polls is very close, maybe everyone should ease up on the taunting until we see the results.

  3. Says:

    Well… I’m always a firm believer in putting your money where your mouth is. Is Steve saying he believes Prop 93 is going to pass… and if so would he like to make a gentleman’s wager?

    Let’s go for something interesting… humiliating. I’m game. Say a lap around the building for 10 of us chosen by Jon and I in either a ‘I’m Still in the Minority, Now Worse I’m Broke’ (us) or the same for 10 on your side of the aisle (including any GOPers who may have supported 93) in ‘I’m A Bad Boy for Making Up Polling Numbers’ — and a round for the spectators after?

    If interested email Jon… he knows how to get ahold of me, much to my chagrin.

  4. Says:

    There was a 1950’s rock star from Philadelphia who went by the
    single name of, “Fabian”… …full name Fabian Forte.

    The titles of 3 of his hit songs seem appropriate to his name-
    sake’s current plight:

    ***** “Turn Me Loose”
    ***** “Hound Dog Man”
    ***** “String Along”

  5. Says:

    You have to love Maviglio changing the subject every time he doesn’t have a snotty comback to something that makes one of his “pure as the driven snow” democrats bad.