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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: “Activist” Legislative Analyst Promoting Billions In Tax Increases

As we start out a new week, the 120 members of the California legislature are back at work, as is Governor Schwarzenegger.  I think that it is important to start off this Monday morning, frankly, right where we left off before the weekend.  This year’s budget debate started out on such a positive note.  Well, as positive as a budget could be if you consider that without any changes, it would be over $15 BILLION in the red. 

When I say starting out on a positive note, I mean that the Governor charged hard out of the gate with a very important, and very accurate message:  we have an over-spending problem.  The Governor was unequivocal — that he would not raise taxes and make California taxpayers shoulder the burden for over-spending in the Capitol.  He then proposed a budget that would have shaved off 10% from what might otherwise have been introduced.  From our perspective, given the spending increases, this is actually a modest proposal.  Yet, the yells and screams from lefties in the Capitol could be heard by dairy cows in Yolo County.
Here at the FlashReport, we devoted some serious editorial space to praising our Republican Governor for, in the context of the state budget, standing by his pledge to oppose any tax increases (he hammered this point in his election battle with Democrat Phil Angelides over, and over, and over again…).  We’re not done either.  Governor – THANK YOU for framing this budget debate as being about overspending and the need to cut back some of the massive increases of the past years.
Last month, Elizabeth Hill, the state’s "activist" Legislative Analyst (pictured to the right), decided she was so unhappy with the Governor’s proposed budget (apparently) that she would introduce her own "Alternative Budget" into the mix.  I will save for another day the inherent problems with an unelected "analyst" weighing into the public policy debate with her own proposals, when in reality she should be limited to providing factual information on the proposals introduced by the elected representatives of the people…
Hill’s version of what the legislature should do was comprehensive and she, among other things, takes issue with the Governor’s "across-the-board-cuts" technique to reducing spending.  There may be some merit to her concerns — again, a topic for another day. 

What I do want to talk about today is that the unelected Analyst has taken it upon herself to weigh into the big political issue of this year’s budget debate — will the state’s massive overspending problem be resolved by significant reductions in spending, significant increases in taxes, or some mix of the two?  Hill has weighed in against California taxpayers, and has proposed well over $2.5 BILLION IN TAX INCREASES.   I cannot think of any worse message to send the big spenders in the Capitol than hers, "Go ahead and overspending wantonly, because when the chickens come home to roost, and there is no money to cover the costs, we’ll just punish taxpayers." 

**There is more – click the link**

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12 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: “Activist” Legislative Analyst Promoting Billions In Tax Increases”

  1. Says:

    Thanksks for discussing the LAO’s analysis on your blog. A lot of your readers may not otherwise have a reason to read it. At least now some will take the time to peruse the report and I think those who remain objective will see much of it has great merit.

  2. Says:

    Leslie, I think that the LAO often has some beneficial analysis.

    But she has crossed the line, in my opinion, by advocating tax increases.

  3. Says:

    Jon, once again you have gone off the rails. If you don’t like the LAO analysis on how to close the budget shortfall, then tell us – what is your plan. How do you propose to close the shortfall without raising taxes? It’s easy to throw your idealogical bombs. Lets read some non bomb ideas – if you have any.

  4. Says:

    I assume from your comments that you DO support the LAO’s $2.5 billion in tax increases. I think this goes to support, once again, my axium that there is no such thing as a socially moderate, economic conservative.

    How about just rolling back our expenditures to 2003 levels, for a start?

  5. Says:

    Over-spending, over-spending, over-spending. With no noticeable improvement in state services. State over-spending has risen about 10% per year for the last five years, while inflation and population growth have been half that. Looks like it’s time for state workers to tighten their belts, just like the city workers in Vallejo took 6.5% pay DECREASES for the good of the city.

  6. Says:

    Jon, once again your off the rails. Your assumption that I support the LAO proposal is unwarranted. But then you know what happens when you make assumptions. Anyhow, I’m waiting to read which programs you will cut and by how much. Let us all know your ideas.

    I’m also waiting to read how much money you have raised over the past year to help close the $3 million shortfall in the CRP budget.

  7. Says:


    Please get a new catch-phrase other than “off the rails”. If I have to read those words one more time my head is going to go through my monitor.

    And by the way I am sure sure it’s the job of the LAO’s office to do anything other than ANALYZE. The job of trying to come up with solutions belongs in the hands of the legislature and governor, for what that’s worth.

  8. Says:

    The above should read “NOT sure”.

  9. Says:

    The above should read “NOT sure”.

  10. Says:

    Don’t sweat it folks.

    Less eating out, less tips, cut back one gallon a gas a week, no overpriced coffee in morning and the calorie laced scone….your home free…pay thy taxes!

    And when ya drivin in traffic yearning for some coffee and that scone……think of all those nice pensions your supporting for all types of government workers….including incompetent teachers, fire and police who sob on Indian Gaming initative commercials along with those fraus telling us “its all for the kids” when ya know the huge pay increases are in the works and nothing for the kids.

  11. Says:


    When Jon is off the rails he is off the rails. So off the rails is the term to use to describe Jon going off the rails. Please, Alex, don’t go off the rails and put your head through your monitor.

  12. Says:
