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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Assemblywoman Audra Strickland – Expose the Democrat’s Ruse for Tax Increases

Today we are pleased to feature this guest commentary from longtime FR friend Audra Strickland.  Strickland is a member of the California State Assembly…

Expose the Democrat’s Ruse for Tax Increases
By Assemblywoman Audra Strickland

Big in the news in the last couple of weeks is that Democrats and education community leaders are up in arms about the Governor’s plan for across the board cuts that include reduction in K-14 and higher education spending – cuts projected to be $5.5 billion combined.  These folks say that the Governor’s solution to address the state’s $16 billion deficit is lopsided because it only includes spending cuts and no tax increases.

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Assemblywoman Audra Strickland – Expose the Democrat’s Ruse for Tax Increases”

  1. Says:


    This is a followup to my previous posts about Republican State Senate targeting priorities.

    You’re truly a political guru! Senate Republicans can cross Senator Maldonado off their priority list entirely since no Democrat filed against Abel.

    Unfortunately, this means the Democrats will have a lot more money to spend against Tony Strickland and Greg Aghazarian in their Senate races.

    In political campaigns it’s always a good rule to be careful about what you wish for.


  2. Says:

    Amen to Assemblywoman Strickland’s commentary.

    It is amazing that we would continue the buffet of benefits to illegal immigrants, while making cuts to our own citizens.

    I often ask people, would you allow your home to go into foreclosure, so that you could spend your income to house a bunch of strangers? Would you let your own children starve in order to feed someone else’s children?

    Im all for charity, but this is ridiculous.

    Let us take care of our own citizens and stop giving handouts to illegals.

    And, by the way, re: how to “deport” 12 million people here illegally….no need to “round everyone up on buses” if we stop the freebies, many will go home on their own.

  3. Says:

    Chris, at the end of the day, Audra and Tony, albeit husband and wife, are two entirely different people. Having the honor of representing both of them, I can speak from experience that both are tremendously strong campaigners….audra survived a very tough race, which I think you were a part of, and Tony has always been underestimated, and I hope Taxin Jackson and her supporters make the same mistake as those in her wake.