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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: An Election Round-Up

DeMaio Council Bid Has the Unions a Tad Scared Never repeat the negative, they say.  But, I can’t pass up the efforts to which some will go in attempts to kill the San Diego City Council candidacy of government watchdog Carl DeMaio.  To many, he would be the Tom McClintock of the San Diego City Council.  To some, that is good, to others, well…they just can’t stomach someone on the council that is willing to stand up so honestly and strongly to the back-scratching foolishness, complete failure of fiduciary duty and outrageous lack of concern for our tax monies that caused the city’s fiscal mess in the first place.

An anti-Carl website was launched last week, which I would ignore if it weren’t so amusingly inept.  Perhaps the best way to cover the "effort" is to repeat San Diego Tax Fighters Chairman Richard Rider’s reaction:

If you want to see just how much Carl DeMaio scares the crap out of the labor unions (both public and private labor unions), go to this amazing, LITERALLY slimy website the unions have put up to attack DeMaio.  It’s paid for by the SD County Labor Council.

No greater testament can be found as to why we should support DeMaio against the Forces of Darkness.  I predict they’ll spend half a million to try to keep him out of office.  THAT’s how good a candidate he is!

Rider goes on to say how he is “inspired by this attack to give another contribution to Carl’s campaign” and urges others to do the same at

City Attorney: Goldsmith Scores Lincoln Club and MoreFrom the SD Daily Transcript:

Friday was filled with good news for Jan Goldsmith, one of four candidates trying to unseat San Diego City Attorney Michael Aguirre this June.  The Republican judge picked up a pair of endorsements, including one from a current member of the city attorney’s office.  

Andrew Jones, president of the Deputy City Attorneys’ Association, pledged his support for Goldsmith, and he wasn’t concerned about any backlash.  "Sometimes it takes courage to do the right thing," Jones said. "I think it’s time to do the right thing, and that’s what I think I’m doing…I believe (Goldsmith) has the temperament to be the city attorney. I’ve been here since (City Attorney) John Witt. I think I have an understanding of what it takes, and I believe he has what it takes to handle the job."

Read the entire SDDT article.

78th Update: McCann Surprising Many of the Naysayers Chula Vista Councilman John McCann’s entry in the termed-out Shirley Horton seat may have started out a bit bumpy, with David Bejarano in, then out, then whatever, again.  But, the GOP field ended up clear for McCann and it’s now the Dems with a dogfight, both in the primary and against John in the general.  While the D is being decided, McCann continues to set the stage for strength in November, while proving some of his doubters wrong. 

“South Bayster” posted this on Red County SD a couple of weeks ago:

There were a number of people here in Chula Vista who doubted Councilman John McCann could get a campaign for state office off the ground. I was among them, and I probably said it too often. Most of us didn’t think Shirley had much of a chance her first go round, either.  

That is why I’m proud to say today that I was wrong, and over the last few weeks I put my money where my mouth is.

John has worked hard over the past several months and has turned himself into a darn good fundraiser. I thought he would hit, maybe, $100,000. Having been the subject of some of his calls and talked to other fairly large donors I would now not be surprised if he hit $250,000 or more.

Then, this week’s news release from McCann, confirming some big numbers, while out-raising each of the Dem opponents.  Read it here.  And, more positive comments on Red County.

Can it Get Any Worse? In case you missed my entry the other day about a city council candidate with a real PR problem.

Bogus Ballot Title of the Week: County Board of Ed Bob Watkins is running for Congress in the 52nd CD (the open Hunter seat).  As a result, he is not running for re-election to the County Board of Education.  

The 4th District Board of Ed election has drawn three candidates, including two Republicans. Chuck Taylor is a businessman and former member of the Alpine School Board.  Rose Urdahl is a businesswoman and teacher, as well as the wife of Grossmont Union High School District Trustee Larry Urdahl.

The third candidate, Mark Anderson, the apparent labor choice, works at Miramar College.  See the entertaining press release I received Friday from the Urdahl folks so you have a read on Anderson’s job:

Judge Rafael A. Arreola, of the Superior Court of San Diego, has granted a Writ of Petition and ordered the Registrar of Voters to purge the occupation line and ballot statement of Mark C. Anderson, so as to remove numerous misleading references using the title "Professor."  Anderson, who is candidate for a vacant seat on the County Board of Education 4th District, had claimed erroneously that he was a "Community College Professor."  Judge Arreola agreed with the points and authorities presented by Attorney Bob Ottilie that showed that in reality he was only a part-time adjunct instructor who teaches CPR and health education.  "He doesn’t even possess a doctorate degree," said Ottilie.  The web site for Miramar College confirms him as an ‘adjunct.’

Anderson who represented himself, wailed in court telling the judge that "this isn’t the type of participatory democracy envisioned by Adams and Jefferson."  Judge Arreola responded by stating that it was "false and misleading" for Anderson to assert to voters that he was a Professor when the American Federation of Teachers contract he works under only gives that title to "tenure track contract faculty members" or full-time (seen at under contracts).  Anderson has been a part-time instructor at Miramar College since 1993 and is according to the AFT site above, one of their board members.

Regarding the outcome, Grossmont Union High School Board Member Larry Urdahl who was the Petitioner, quoted John Adams dying words by saying, "Jefferson lives."


Tomorrow is a State Holiday, one I never had prior to going to work for the legislature and now a special district.  I scheduled a work meeting anyway.  But, in tribute, I will be working in my garden for some of the afternoon.  Have a great week!