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Mike Spence

Back Alley Manicures in Claremont

Claremont is in Eastern Los Angeles County . It is a mix of college town and senior centers. It’s nice place, but it’s going to get uglier.

The town fathers have found a scourge that needs to be removed from the city. Too many adult bookstores? I don’t think they have any? Too many liquor stores? Nope.

The answer: Too many day spas and nail salons. And yes tanning salons.

You wouldn’t know it but, there are Republicans on this City Council that are going along to limiting these kinds of establishments to second floors of commercial buildings and yes alleys. 

Everybody wants to enter an alley on the way to get a pedicure, right?

 Proving that being pro-business isn’t necessarily pro-free market, the local Chamber of (Some) Commerce is right there with them. Didn’t these kinds of stores see a value in joining you? Really, they didn’t?

Instead of treating these businesses like a fungal nail, the Chamber should embrace them. Why not a Spa Day Festival?  Why not promote the City as place beautiful people go.

When this passes Claremont , the Republicans on the council and the Chamber will be just another ugly pale controlling government face.

One Response to “Back Alley Manicures in Claremont”

  1. Says:

    As a member of the Claremont Planning Commision, I voted against this and argued that it smacked of centralized government planning. Didn’t the fall of the Berlin Wall reveal that that system never works? Unfortunately the City Council sees the role of government very differently.

    Jeff Hammill