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Jim Battin

My Friend Dave Cogdill – Republican Leader

[Publisher’s Note: FR State Capitol Correspondent Jim Battin serves as a colleague in the State Senate with Dave Cogdill, the new Senate Republican Leader.  In our continuing effort to help FR readers around the state (and nation) gain some insights into Cogdill as he begins his new challenge, we asked Battin if he would draw on some personal thoughts and observations… Which he has done in aces!  I found this interesting and I hope you do, too! – Flash]

First and foremost, Dave Cogdill is my friend. He also happens to be the new Senate Republican Leader. He’s a man that I enjoy spending time with and discussing the trials that face California. We frequently do that while smoking cigars. It’s not really so secret, but the Hyatt Hotel across the street from the Capitol Building has a great patio and fire pit where we frequently retreat to the patio to discuss the day’s legislative activities, or to unwind from a busy committee schedule. 
While the new Senate Republican Leader and I have enjoyed many good cigars, this patio has given me a chance to get to know Dave as a friend, he is someone for whom I have tremendous respect. 
Above all else, Dave is a man of strong character and personal integrity. He’s the kind of person you want on your side because you always know where he’s going to be philosophically and why he’s going to take a certain position. And those positions are, unfailingly, conservative. 
Dave is a leader whose core beliefs are about expanding liberty and a strong belief in human freedom. Believe me, in the fourteen years I have spent in Sacramento, I have seen many a Republican politician, sadly too many, who are not anchored in these basic conservative beliefs. At some point when the smooth talking lobbyist or the legislative friend from across the aisle asks for a favor it becomes so much easier to vote yes when you really should vote no. It is more fun to be part of the problem in Sacramento, then to stand as the principled opposition. 
I tell you, that is not Dave Cogdill. He is as solidly conservative as a politician comes and these principles will guide him in the many difficult decisions he makes as leader. Republicans need only look at last year for an idea of how he will lead.
Last year when Senate Republicans held up the budget because it was fiscally unsound, we were roundly pilloried by Democrats and the press for being “mean spirited” and short sighted. All but ignored by pundits was the deeper principle of government learning to live within its means. Dave understood this and he argued, cajoled, and encouraged members, ultimately successfully, to hold out for additional budget cuts. 
Republicans won that fight because of conservative hold-outs like Dave. Taxpayers will benefit during this year’s budget debate because Democrats know Senate Republicans will not buckle to name calling, and that we mean what we say.
Similarly, while much of last year was dominated by the budget debate, along with the unsuccessful effort to socialize California’s health care system, Dave was deeply involved in a third issue – a proposal to issue $10 billion in water bonds. California has a definite need for an improved water system, and Senator Perata and the Governor made it clear they wanted a bond passed by the legislature. Fortunately, Republican votes are needed for bonds, and fortunately, our caucus asked Cogdill to be our lead negotiator. 
Bond negotiations can be a trap for Republican negotiators. The normal Democrat response is to bring Republicans far enough into discussions so they feel vested in the talks, so they feel like they “should” support a bond, then offer just enough concessions to peel off 2 or 3 Republican votes. The public usually gets a package that meets a couple critical needs, but for the most part taxpayers get ripped off. 
This didn’t happen with Cogdill last year. After many, many days of negotiations and significant pressure placed on him to close out the deal, Dave held firm to Republican goals of additional surface storage and other critical needs and…walked away because Democrats would not agree to our demands.
He believed taxpayers would not benefit from this bond, so he recommended the Caucus vote against it. And we did. Democrats were outraged at our “obstructionism” but Dave’s leadership on this issue was a great win for taxpayers. The ability to say no, and to mean it, is not a common characteristic in politicians. Democrats know Dave can hold up an unbalanced budget when he says he can, and that he is willing to walk away from policy negotiations if they are bad for taxpayers. As Senate Republican leader, Democrats with have to deal with Dave’s conservative convictions going forward, and that is good for Republicans and good for taxpayers.
Together with the conservative leadership of Assemblyman Mike Villines, Republicans have reason to be enthusiastic about our Republican leaders. I am excited about Dave’s leadership, and I am looking forward to more cigars on the patio.

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