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Shawn Steel

I never liked Rockefeller

The original oil tycoon John D.Rockefeller is crucified by historians for creating anti free trade monopolies but he has alsoproduced a miserable family lineage.Look at the great grandson Jay. Embarrassing.

Witness Senator Jay Rockefeller D-West Virginia. He just apologized to Sen. McCain for the most blatant insult of the political season. Have a read of an interview published yesterday and see if you agree.Rockefeller belies the democrat’s claim they represent the poor. Most of the fabulous wealthy senators are democrats. And who knew about how busy the Clinton’s have been since taking the White House furniture?

"McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet," Rockefeller said. "He was long gone when they hit. What happened when they (the missiles) get to the ground? He doesn’t know. You have to careRead More

Tab Berg

Play Ball!

Desert Taxpayers for Truth Launches Web & Video…

Desert Taxpayers for Truth (DTFT), a non-profit watchdog group from the Coachella Valley launched its website today: and announced the start of a series of TV spots that will educate voters about elected officials and their voting records.

The first video – a :60 barn-burner that out lines dubious disability claims, tax hikes and attacks on public safety — will begin airing tomorrow throughout the Coachella Valley and Riverside County.

You can view the videos from the website or on YouTube. Or tune in to most any TV station in Riverside County..

Word is this is just the start…and since DTFT is my client (yes, that’s a disclaimer) I might have an idea of what’s coming… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fabian’s Millions

Over at Capitol Weekly, they have a story up about how BIG LABOR passed a resolution demanding that Fabian Nunez give back $4 million to the California Democratic Party (we all know the CDP is a wholly owned subsidiary of the unions). Intepreting statements in the piece, it seems doubtful that Nunez is giving anything back.

But, let’s just say that Nunez would prefer to return the funds back in the form of some of his favorite products.

With their four million bucks, Nunez can buy the labor bosses:

139 bottles of rare Mouton Rothschild french wine ($28,750/bottle). 740 Monogram Motard Firebird hand bags by Louis Vuitton ($5400/purse). 548 Nights in the Belle Etoile Suite at the exclusive Parisian Hotel Meriece ($7300/night).

That said, it’s most likely that if the union bosses get anything, it will be 16,339,869 of these.… Read More

Beltway News and Blog Update

I may be late to this, but our friends over at Red State earlier today posted a blog letter signed by 13 authors calling on the President to boycott the upcoming Olympic Summer Games in China.

Last week I noted at OCBlog / that Rep. Dana Rohrabacher had joined more than a dozen other members of congress in calling on the President to boycott the games.

Today the Congressman has a post up on (presumably in the paper too, but I haven’t been at a hotel today so I haven’t seen the paper).… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Don Perata: A Hypocrite AND a Horse’s Ass

The East Bay Express has done a number of stories exposing Don Perata’s personal use of campaign funds. If you need a refresher, look no further than right here to get a reminder of how Don Perata outdoes even Fabian "Louis Vuitton" Nunez when it comes to living the "high life" on the backs of one’s campaign donors (we won’t even get into the tactics allegedly used to "extract" money from those doing business before legislature). Yesterday, the EBE’s Paul Gammon, on their blog, proclaimed Don Perata to be the "Hypocrite of the Year" for his moxie in attacking Senator Jeff Denham for allegedly "living large" of of campaign contributions. As Gammon says in his post, Read More

Inside the Beltway News – Tuesday

Sen. Reid unloads on, among others, a certain former first lady many know and love. From today’s Roll Call "Heard on the Hill" gossip column (subscription required).

From the people that brought you composting in the House cafeteria: the first green convention. Nevermind that the Capitol complex still relies on a dated coal-fired heating and cooling system. Also from Roll Call (ibid the subscription disclaimer from above). On a related note, Sen. Boxer is still working hard for the polar bear too, from the Hill.

The SEC, under the leadership of former California Rep. Chris Cox launched a useful new tool to compare mutual funds, here.

Politico launches a feature on the 50 greatest political moments, here.

San Diego attorney and GOP activist Michael Rosen pens a column in Politico,… Read More

Barry Jantz

The SEC Fraud Charges: Various Voices

The Securities and Exchange Commission finally rolled out charges in the City of SD pension mess. The Union-Trib article is posted on the main FR page, and here’s a hodgepodge of opinions on the matter (as many will have one today), as well as some straight news entries. Included are some links to the complaint and other documents:

Blogger Pat Flannery, from Red County SD…

Here is the full SEC complaint filed today alleging fraud by five former City officials in the issuance of $260 million San Diego municipal bonds. The accused officials are former City Manager Michael Uberuaga, former City Auditor and Comptroller Ed Ryan, former Deputy City Manager for Finance Patricia Frazier, former Assistant City Auditor and Comptroller Terry Webster and former City Treasurer Mary Vattimo.

Here is theRead More

Today’s Commentary: Court Victory for Petitioners

Progressives may have created California’s direct democracy process, but it’s been conservatives who have perfected the use of it. Whether its landmark property tax reform or recalling an inept governor, limited government’s biggest victories have been through initiatives, referendums and recalls.

Ironically, today’s progressives thwart the direct democracy process with unconstitutional bureaucratic impediments to signature gathering. Most notable of these restrictions is a residency requirement for signature gatherers. Petitions require a massive amount of signatures in a short window of time. As someone who is actively involved in these campaigns, I know that in some cases it would be impossible to gather enough signatures without using out-of-town signature gatherers. Case in point, a San Clemente referendum to overturn a city ordinance banning second story additions. The City of San Clemente … Read More

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