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Jon Fleischman

Time for Senate Republicans To Call For $11.5 Billion In Tax Relief?

Yesterday Senate President Don Perata introduced a budget plan on behalf of State Senate Democrats that would propose foisting another $11.5 billion in new taxes on Californians.

I think that Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill should hold a press conference, and call for $11.5 billion in tax relief for Californians.

Then we can get past the unrealistic press events and focus on balancing our state budget by reducing overspending.  Punishing tax-paying Californians for obscene overspending is ludicrous.

Earth to the Sacramento political community:  Republicans are not going to raise taxes.  This includes not being drawn into some sort of faux-compromise between not raising taxes and imposing billions in new taxes. 

California does not, I repeat does not have an income problem.  State government is suffering from an overspending problem.  End of story.