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Riverside Politicos Respond to VP Pick

Here’s some comments from a few Riverside political leaders on this great choice:

"The selection of Governor Sarah Palin as running mate once again demonstrates that Sen. John McCain is the one person who will bring real change to Washington. Gov. Palin is an independent woman who has proven that she has what it takes to stand up to special interests and work for the interests of the people she represents.  As Governor of Alaska, she has brought energy, compassion, and toughness to the job, qualities that will serve our nation well.  Sarah Palin is a strong choice by Sen. McCain, and together, they will be a great team for the American people."    Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack

“Gov. Palin is a courageous and experienced reformer who will be a great leader in the McCain administration on the economy, spending, government reform and energy independence.”  
Congressman Ken Calvert

"Govenor Palin is an inspired choice.  She’s a wildly popular govenor that took on a corrupt system and cleaned their clock.  A woman who is a successful chief executive, pro-life mother of a soldier in Iraq is a wonderful running mate for McCain.  She makes the Democrat’s pick of Joe Biden  look like another Obama mistake.   Senator Jim Battin

"As a father of a daughter named Sarah, I’m extremely pleased by Senator McCain’s choice!  Clearly the nomination of Gov. Palin demonstrates McCain’s willingness to shake up the establishment . Gov. Palin has held the line on government spending and taxes, routed out corruption, and is a defender of the sanctity of life and the second amendment.  Gov. Palin’s pick will create a major quake in the presidential campaign and may put in place the path for our first woman president."  Assemblyman John J. Benoit

"Senator McCain’s thoughtful Vice-Presidential selection further demonstrates his longstanding commitment to this great country.  Governor Sarah Palin makes it crystal clear that a future McCain administration will dedicate iteslf to change and encourages a greater democratic participation of all people who make up the United States."   Paul Cook, Assemblyman 65th District and Colonel, USMC (Ret)“

"A surprising and outstanding choice. It confirms that McCain is willing to think outside of the Washington box and inject reformist thinking. She wll make a great Vice President."   Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries

“Bold!  What an exciting choice.  She’s exactly what America needs.” Assemblyman Bill Emmerson

Sarah Palin has led a city, has led a state and I’m sure she can help Senator McCain run this country. She has faced adversity head on and kept her integrity in tact while those in similar circles have fallen. Sarah Palin is a woman we can all be proud of as Americans and she will make an excellent Vice President.”   Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia

"As a past Chairman of my County Republican Party and as current Mayor of the City of Corona, I know Gov. Sarah Palin will be a leader we can all trust to keep our communities safe, lower our taxes, and create jobs for our families.  I am thrilled that she was selected by John McCain to serve as our next Vice-President."   Jeff Miller, candidate 71st Assembly District

"It was a smart tactical and substantive move. The timing was perfect and Governor Palin will be a great compliment to the ticket."   Brian Nestande, candidate 64th Assembly District