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Jon Fleischman

AD15: Joan Buchanan Double Talk

Apparently when headed out on the campaign trail, integrity and consistency are a couple of traits that Joan Buchanan, the Democrat candidate for State Assembly in the highly competitive 15th Assembly District, leaves at home.

In a classic case of how advancing technology really makes it hard for shifty candidates to say one thing to one group on one day, and the opposite to another group on another day… Check this out…

Let’s frame this up. Buchanan told the audience at a candidates’ debate last Wednesday that she would support construction of a Peripheral Canal. This is a controversial project, that would divert waters around the Sacramento Delta and move it to Southern California (where I can use it to overwater my lawn).

While as an Orange County resident, I appreciated Buchanan’s stated position on the canal, apparently she must have taken a lot of grief from her campaign team. (The canal idea is overwhelmingly opposed by the East Bay and Delta Area constituency that makes up the district).

Fast forward to less than two days later. Buchanan’s opponent, Republican Mayor Abram Wilson read Ms. Buchanan’s quote on the canal to an audience at yet another debate. Incredibly, she denied having ever made the statement (I have heard of short-term memory loss — but we’re talking about two days having elapsed…).

I don’t mean to minimize the underlying policy issue of the canal — though it is clear that Wilson opposes one, and I guess it would be fair to say that Buchanan’s position varies from day to day.  But the real issue here is a  complete lack of integrity on the part of Buchanan.

But check out the video below (it’s less than one minute to watch) and see Buchanan for yourself deny having said she’d previously expressed support for the peripheral canal, and then watch the video below that shows that she, in fact, did.

How can you really have faith in any of Buchanan’s stated positions on… anything… if she just changes her stance willy nilly?